The StackComposed compute the stack composed of a specific statistic of band values for several time series of georeferenced data (such as Landsat images), even if these are in different scenes or tiles. The result is a output of statistic compute for all valid pixels values across the time axis (z-axis), in the wrapper extent for all input data in parallels process.
Home page documentation:
The latest sources can be obtained from official repository:
Issues, ideas and enhancements:
The StackComposed use the following apps/libraries:
- Python3
- Gdal
- Numpy
- Dask
You can install from PyPi repository:
pip3 install stack-composed
To install StackComposed from source:
git clone
cd StackComposed
python3 install
# or
pip3 install -e .
StackComposed was developing, designed and implemented by the Group of Forest and Carbon Monitoring System (SMByC), operated by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) - Colombia.
Author and developer: Xavier C. Llano
Theoretical support, tester and product verification: SMByC-PDI group
Xavier C. Llano: [email protected]
SMByC: smbyc (a)
StackComposed is a free/libre software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.