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Gerhard - SOFA edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Some toplevel objects of CADability

The CADability solution is composed of two class libraries and an application:

  • CADability, a dll, which contains all the classes of the geometrical objects, the action classes, the structure (but not the graphical implementation) of the user interface and some organizational classes.
  • CADability.Forms, a dll, which contains the graphical implementation of the user interface based on Windows.Forms and other windows specific functions
  • CADability.App, an exe, which is a very thin container of CADability.Forms

For your first experience you can simply build and start the solution and try to draw or construct 3d objects. Typically you will replace the CADability.App by your own application or use only the CADability.dll to analyze some 3d models.

Here is a quick overview of the organizational classes

This is an overview of the CAD database, the geometrical entities that make up a model.

And this is the complete table of contents.

CADability concepts

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