Takes a RAMPART protocol and allows the post-processing pipeline to be run on all or a subset of samples from the command line.
Clone and enter the repository using
git clone https://github.com/rmcolq/postbox.git
cd postbox
then install using either
pip install .
python3 setup.py install
python3 setup.py test
usage: postbox [-h] -p PROTOCOL [-q PIPELINE] [-r RUN_CONFIGURATION] [-c CSV]
Parses CSV output by RAMPART and runs analysis step on all barcoded samples
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Main options:
-p PROTOCOL, --protocol PROTOCOL
Path to RAMPART protocol directory
-q PIPELINE, --pipeline PIPELINE
Name of pipeline to run. If there is only one pipeline
in the protocol directory, this parameter is optional
Run configuration options:
Path to the run_configuration.json file if it is not
in current working directory
-c CSV, --csv CSV Path to the CSV file containing a samples and barcodes
column if this information is not provided in the
run_configuration.json file. Updates the
run_configuration information if both are provided
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of cores to run snakemake with
remainder String of key=value pairs to override snakemake config
parameters with
postbox -p /path/to/protocol -q analysis -t 10 basecalled_path=/path/to/basecalled/files