Some custom regex rules to help block brute force attacks on VestaCP servers. See the example file
if you need help.
You must edit this file with any new custom regex patterns and place them BEFORE return 0
if (($lgfile eq $config{FTPD_LOG}) and ($line =~ /\[(\S+)\]\).*\(Login failed\)/)) { return ("Failed FTP login from",$1,"proftpd_ss88","5","20,21","1"); }
if (($lgfile eq $config{FTPD_LOG}) and ($line =~ /\[(\S+)\]\).*USER user: no such user found/)) { return ("Failed FTP login from",$1,"proftpd_ss88","5","20,21","1"); }
if (($lgfile eq $config{FTPD_LOG}) and ($line =~ /FAIL LOGIN: Client \"(\S+)\"/)) { return ("Failed FTP login from",$1,"vsftpd_ss88","5","20,21","1"); }
You need to make sure the 'CUSTOM1_LOG' field is set to Vesta's control panel log file at: /var/log/vesta/auth.log
CUSTOM1_LOG = "/var/log/vesta/auth.log"
if (($globlogs{CUSTOM1_LOG}{$lgfile}) and ($line =~ /(\S+) failed to login/)) { return ("Login attempt to VestaCP from",$1,"VESTAloginAttempt","5","8083","1"); }
- Special thanks to moucho (