This folder contains a set of examples and tutorials to help you get started with the STDATALOG-PYSDK. Examples are organized in subfolders for different use cases and features:
- function_tests: Contains two test scripts that demonstrate the functionalities of the stdatalog_core package. These scripts are intended to be used as a reference for developers who want to use the HSDatalog and HSDLink classes in their projects.
- Example to manage and manipulate existing acquisitions and datasets.
- Example of how to connect to a USB device and control the data logging process. (NOTE: This script needs a compatible device (board flashed with FP-SNS-DATALOG2) connected to the PC).
- how-to_notebooks: Contains a set of Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use the stdatalog_core package. Run them with the
option to visualize the manual and the usage examples.- np_stdatalog_core.ipynb: Demonstrates how to use the stdatalog_core package to manage acquired data folders extracting and visualizing information and data.
- np_stdatalog_converters.ipynb: Demonstrates how to use the stdatalog_core module focusing on data format conversion features.
- cli_applications: Contains a set of ready-to-use command-line applications that demonstrate the functionalities of the stdatalog_core
- Checks the integrity of dummy data files (For debug)
- Converts data files to pandas dataframes.
- Exports data files to different formats (CSV, TSV, TXT, APACHE PARQUET, HDF5).
- Exports data files to different formats (CSV, TSV, TXT) grouped by selected specific tags.
- Converts data files in a format compatible with NanoEdgeAIStudio
- Converts data files in a format compatible with ST MEMS Studio
- Converts data files in wav format.
- Plots data files.
- Plots large data files ensuring out-of-core plots for large datasets.
- Visualizes the content of HDF5 files.
- gui_applications: Contains a set of ready-to-use graphical applications that demonstrate the functionalities of the STDATALOG-PYSDK leveraging the stdatalog_gui in sinergy with all the other SDK packages.
- stdatalog: Contains a set of applications that realizes a complete data logging and data monitoring system.
- GUI application to configure a connected device and control the data logging process visualizing and labeling live data streams.
- TUI (Text-based User Interface) application to configure a connected device and control the data logging process visualizing and labeling live data streams.
- stdatalog_mc Contains a set of applications that extends the functionalities of the stdatalog_GUI with motor control features. This applications are designed for and work with FP-IND-DATALOGMC.
- Datalog
- GUI application based on the that adds the capability to retrieve and display motor control telemetries and to set motor control parameters.
- AI
- GUI application based on the that adds the capability to display AI classification results on different motor fault conditions.
- Datalog
- stdatalog_ultrasound_fft: This example application is designed to work with the UltrasoundFFT application FW contained in the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 function pack.
- GUI application to display analog microphone live data and its FFT. These signals are both streamed from the connected device (The FFT is performed directly on the board).
-"": GUI application to perform assisted segmentation of an existing acquisition.
- stdatalog: Contains a set of applications that realizes a complete data logging and data monitoring system.
- dtk_plugins: Contains a set of plugins that can be used to create a data processing pipeline, leveraging the stdatalog_dtk (Data Toolkit framework) to extend stdatalog_gui functionalities. Available plugins provides as example are organized as follow in the "tutorial" folder:
- simple:
- HelloWorld:
- Simple plugin used to describe the basic structure of a plugin and how it works.
- ChainedPlugins: Example to show how to chain multiple plugins together.
- Filters accelerometer data computing the norm of the three axis.
- Detects if the input filtered data is above a certain threshold.
- PluginWithGUI: Example to show how to create a plugin with a GUI.
- Displays the same output as the in a dedicated graphical widget.
- HelloWorld:
- advanced:
- CSVDataSave:
- Saves the received data in a CSV file.
- InclinationGame:
- Implements a simple game where the user has to keep a ball within a rectangle by tilting the device.
- CSVDataSave:
- simple:
Furthermore, the acquisition_examples folder contains data acquisition examples and device configuration files in UCF and JSON format for PRO, and STWIN.
To run the examples, you need to have the STDATALOG-PYSDK installed on your machine. Please refer to the STDATALOG-PYSDK How to install STDATALOG-PYSDK section for detailed instructions on how to install the SDK.
Once the is installed, you can run the examples by navigating to the stdatalog_examples
folder and running the desired script.
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the file for details.