LoRaWan modem running on Adafruit Feather M0 LoRa board based on Basic MAC library. Adopted from original IBM LoRaWAN modem running on IMST WiMOD module. Find the description of available AT commands in doc/LMiC-Modem.pdf
document. Various RF bands supported, default (factory reset) band is eu868. Supports Low power mode when running on battery (standby current <100uA in total from battery, <5uA MCU+Radio).
An ARM compiler is required for the build.
Get repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/Sabolik/feather_m0_lora_modem
Clone required driver and basic MAC submodules locally:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
and build directly from feather_m0_lora_modem
$ make
Resulting feather_m0_lora_modem.bin
Adafruit feather M0 LoRa module is shipped with bossa bootloader. Get the Bossac command line tool (verified with version 1.7.0). Enter the bootloader by double-clicking the reset button. The onboard red LED should pulse on and off. Load the firmware:
$ bossac -p PORT -e -w -v -R feather_m0_lora_modem.bin
Open your favourite terminal, e.g. PuTTy, select COM port where Communication Device Class ASF example
is connected, set 115200 bit/s baudrate. Try to send AT
command, OK
reply expected.
get weather data from connected BME280 sensor:
reply expected as described in doc/LMiC-Modem.pdf
, chapter 4.14.2
create TTN Device using ABP activation method to
establish connection as described in doc/LMiC-Modem.pdf
, chapter 4.5.1
Follow the instructions, register and create your myDevices Dashboard.
ATS=Networ ID (e.g. 00000013),Device Address (MSB),Network Session Key (MSB),App Session Key (MSB)
send weather data from connected BME280 sensor on port e.g. 1, channel starting on e.g. 3
repeat measurement and data sending every 30 minutes:
unplug USB and reset device using on-board button. The device is now running in Low power mode (if battery connected) measuring and sending weather data (temperature, humidity and pressure) every 30 minutes visible on your Dashboard.
create TTN Device using OTAA activation method
ATJ=Device EUI (MSB),Application EUI (MSB),App Key (MSB)
send some data to the server on port e.g. 1
new session is established (kept until factory reset is performed) before data is sent