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An MVC framework built with PHP just for learners with many features.

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MVC With Plain PHP

  • An mvc framework built on php without using any packages.

Getting the app up and running

  • Clone or download zip from the above green button.
  • We are using psr-4 autoloading standard so you need to have composer installed, after that you can create the autoloader with dump-autoload:
    composer dump-autoload -o
  • public directory is the root of this app and you need to create a virtual host. It already has a .htaccess file so you can run it with apache.



Config array is registered in the app container inside the app/Core/init.php and the values are loaded from config/app.php file. This config file has all the credentials related to app, database, session, and cookies. To retrieve a certain config value you can use the Config class:


    use App\Core\Support\Config;


    //you can also use this global helper.

You can use dots to go deep into the arrays. In above example, database is the name of the array and name is the key inside that array.

Routes Controllers and Views

Router for this mvc also support dynamic uris. Routes can be created in the routes/routes.php file and you can also specify a different routes file to Router::load() method inside app/Core/init.php file if you want.

To create a route, you can do:


Placeholder for the dynamic value should be a combination of letters (both uppercase and lowercase allowed), digits, and underscores. When you pass dynamic values to the route then you need to inject the $request and $response objects in the controller method first otherwise they are optional. Here's an example:


Controller method:

    public function show(Request $request,Response $response,$id)
        echo "The user id is: {$id}";

Available router methods:



Slash at the start of the route uri will be removed and is not a problem if you add it.

Html forms don't support PUT and DELETE request methods so you need to add a hidden input named _method:

    //PUT request
    <form method="post" action="/">
        <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT">
        //other form fields...

    //DELETE request
    <form method="post" action="/">
        <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE">
        //other form fields...


All controllers will be stored in app/Controllers directory. This directory already has a Controller.php file which has all the controller methods like view() and include(). This controller needs to be extended by every controller. Syntax for a simple controller is defined below:


    namespace App\Controllers;

    use App\Core\Http\{Request,Response};

    class SimpleController extends Controller
        public function index()
            //your code...

        public function store(Request $request,Response $response)
            //with request and response objects...

You can use view() method which takes in two parameters, first view name/path and second data array that needs to be passed to that view (optional). Just like laravel you can use dot sytax e.g if the profile view is in the users directory then you will do:

    public function index()
        return $this->view('users.profile');

Returning view with data:

        'username' => $username,
        'email' => $email,


views directory will be used for storing views. inside a view, you can use include() method for including a view and php syntax for loops and conditionals:

    <?php $this->include('includes.header') ?>
        Username: <?= $username ?>
        Email: <?= $email ?>
    <?php $this->include('includes.footer') ?>

We are including header and footer view files from the includes directory. $username and $email variables are coming from the controller.

Models and Database

app/Models directory will have all the models and all the models extend Model class from app/Core/Database directory:


    namespace App\Models;

    use App\Core\Database\Model;

    class Post extends Model
        protected $table = "posts";

        protected $pk = "id";

There are two protected properties $table and $pk. $table is used for specifying the table that needs to be queried and $pk is the primary key which is optional and will be used by QueryBuilder class that has all the database methods (it's extended by Model class). By default $pk has the "id" value but if you have a different primary key column then you can specify it inside your model.

With QueryBuilder, you can do quite a lot of stuff:

    Post::all(); //return all the rows.

    Post::find(1); //return the row matching the primary key value.

To create a row, you can use create() method which takes in an array with column names are the keys and values for their values:

        'column1' => 'this is column value',
        'column2' => 'this is column value',

update() method is used for updating a row and it's second parameter is the primary key value:

        'column1' => 'this is updated column value',
        'column2' => 'this is updated column value',

You can also use where clause(s) and whenever you are not using all() or find() method then you need to call select() method first which will indicate that we are retrieving rows from the table:

    Post::select()->where('column_name','=','column value')->get();

you need to call get() or first() method after all these methods except all() and find(). get() method will retreive multiple rows and first() will retrieve only first row from the results.

    Post::select()->where('column_name','=','column value')->first();

You can use certain operators in where clause(s):

  • = (equals to)
  • > (less than)
  • < (less than)
  • >= (less than or equals to)
  • <= (greater than or equals to)
  • <> (not equals to)
  • LIKE (sql like equivalent)

Certain use cases for where:

    // where(column,operator,value)
    Post::select()->where('column1','=','column value one')->whereOr('column2','=','column value two')->get(); //SQL where OR

    Post::select()->where('column1','=','column value one')->whereAnd('column2','=','column value two')->first(); //SQL where AND

    Post::select()->where('column_name','LIKE','%t%')->get(); //SQL where LIKE

    //you can also use

    // whereBetween(column,['value1',value2'])
    Post::select()->whereBetween('date_column',['2019-03-01','2019-04-30'])->get(); //SQL where BETWEEN

Note that you can always chain multiple whereOr(), whereLike(), and whereAnd() methods if you need to.

You can also specify certain columns by passing an array of column names to the select() method instead of retrieving all the columns from a table:

    Post::select(['column1'])->get(); //all rows with only title column.

    Post::select(['column1','column2'])->where('column_name','=','column value')->get();

Sometimes you want to query the table without a model and for that you can use table() method:

    use App\Core\Database\QueryBuilder; // import the class.


Just like above, you should specify table() first in every method chain. If you have a different primary key then you use primaryKey() method:


Request and Response

Request class from app/Core/Http directory contains all the methods and properties related to the current request. Here are the available methods:

    use App\Code\Http\Request;

    //methods that you can access statically and from the object instance.

    //current request method.
    //check for the request method.

    //current request URI.

    // value of the input (both get and post methods).

    //check if the input exists (both get and post methods).
    //input value from $_GET global.

    //input value from $_POST global.

    //check if the file was uploaded.
    //get the file.

    //check if the request is an ajax request and expecting json.

    //returns the previous request url.

    //Methods that can only be accessed by the instance.

    $request = new Request;

    //validates the current request (more details in validation section).

    //get all the cookies.
    //get all the uploaded files.

    //get the query string values as an associative array.

    //get the $_SERVER global values.

    //get the request headers.

    //you can also access $_GET and $_POST values dynamically.
    $request->name; //returns the value of "name" input. Same as $request->input('name').

Reponse Methods:

    use App\Code\Http\Response;

    $response = new Response;

    //set a header
     * $code has a default value of 200 and $replace
     * has default of true.
     * Example:
    $response->header('Content Type','application/json',200);

    //just status code.


    //you can also chain with() method for a flash message.
    $response->redirect(url('/posts'))->with('message',"you've been redirected!");

     * you can also pass the status code to return a
     * response error code or display the appropriate
     * view. Acceptable codes: 403,404,500,503.

     * you can also return json data from a controller.
     * first argument is an array of data and second is
     * status code with a default value of 200.
    public function controllerMethod(Request $request, Response $response)
        return $response->json([
            'message' => 'hello world!'

Session and Cookies

Session class is stored in the app/Core/Support directory. Session methods:

    use App\Code\Support\Session;

    //get a session value.

    //set a session value.

    //check if a session value exists.

    //Unset/remove a session value.

    //set a session value the will be available for the next request also
    //known as a flash value/message. Don't specify the second argument if
    //you want to retrieve the flash value.

    //Destroy the session.
    //Setting the previous Uri is defined in the Session class and can be access
    //publically. Note that this is just the URI not the complete URL.
    Session::getPreviousUri(); //you should use request class for obtaining the url.

Cookie class is also stored in app/Core/Support directory. Here are the available methods:

    use App\Code\Support\Cookie;

    //Get a cookie value.

    //Check if a cookie exists.

    //Unset/remove a cookie.
    //Set a cookie value.

All parameters for the set() method:

  1. cookie key
  2. cookie value
  3. cookie expiry (default 0)
  4. httponly (boolean, default false) | if you set it to true then the cookie won't be accessed with javascript.
  5. path (default "/")
  6. domain (default null)
  7. secure (default false)


app/Helpers directory has helpers.php file which is loaded from composer. This file will be used for defining all the helper functions. Here's the list of available helper functions.

  • dd() helper takes in an array. This helper function will dump the data and kill the page/execution of the script.

  • url() helper takes in the uri string and will return the complete url. Example:

    //Our example url is:
    url('contact'); // returns:

    //you don't need to include the first slash and even if you include the slash it will be removed.
    url('/'); //returns
    url(); //same as above.
  • currentUrl() returns the current url.

  • sanitizeUri('my/uri/string') will return the sanitized uri. it with also remove the slash at the start.

  • token() will generate a csrf token.

  • csrfField() will return a hidden input field with a csrf token.

  • e('<p>string</p>') will convert special characters from the given string to html entities.

  • session('key') will return the session value.

  • flash('key','optional value') will create a flash message. To retrieve a flash value you only need to pass the key e.g flash('key').

  • errors() will return the MessageBag object used for validation messages. (more info in validation section)

  • old('input') will return an input value from the previous POST request (used for validation). All the previous input values will be stored in the session.


Validation class Validator is stored in app\Core\Validation directory. validate() method is used for validation which takes in two arguments, request object and validation rules array. example:

    use App\Core\Validation\Validator;

    $validator = new Validator;
        'title' => 'required|min:2|max:100',
        'body'  => 'required|min:10|max:1000',

title and body keys in the above example are the names of the input submitted by a form. If the validation failed you will be redirected back to the previous url. All the validation errors will be stored in session only for the next request. Instead of directly using validator, you can use $request->validate() method which only needs an array of rules:


    namespace App\Controllers;

    use App\Core\Http\{Request,Response};

    class SampleController extends Controller
        public function store(Request $request,Response $response)
                'title' => 'required',
                'body' => 'required',

            //code after validation....

errors() helper is available which will return the MessageBag instance containing all the validation errors. Available methods:

    //Get the first error message (string) for an input.
    $firstError = errors()->first('title');

    //Get an array of error messages for an input.
    $messages = errors()->messages('title');

    //Get an array containing all the messages for all inputs.
    $all = errors()->all();

    //Check if an input field has errors.
    $hasFailed = errors()->has('title');

old() method can be used for retrieving old input values after a failed validation and it will return an empty string if a value doesn't exists.

Example for a view form with materialize-css:

    <form method="post" action="<?= url('/posts/store') ?>">
        <div class="input-field">
            <input type="text" name="title" value="<?= old('title') ?>">
            <?php if(errors()->has('title')): ?>
                <span class="helper-text">
                    <?= errors()->first('title') ?>
            <?php endif ?>
        <button class="btn">Create</button>

Available validation rules:

  • required check if an input field is not empty or present.
  • optional ignore the rest of the rules if an input is null/empty (this will only ignore rules for that input).
  • string check if an input value is a string.
  • integer check if an input value is an integer.
  • numeric check if an input value is numeric.
  • alpha_numeric check if an input contains alpha numeric value.
  • email check if an input value is a valid email.
  • file check if input is an uploaded file.

Parameter rules:

  • min:length checks the minimum length of an integer or a string. usage: 'min:10' or 'min:50'.
  • max:length checks the maximum length of an integer or a string. usage: 'max:1000' or 'max:50000'
  • unique:table,column,id,primarykeycolumn check if a value is unique to the database. Usage:
    //table name: users.
    //table column to search from: email
        'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email',

    //if you are updating the user then you need to specify the
    //row id (primary key value) of that user row.
        'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,1',

    //mostly we name primary key column "id" but if you are using
    //a different column then you can specify that as the fourth
        'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,1,pk_column',

image should be an uploaded image. Acceptable formats: png, svg, bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, tif, tiff, ico.

mime should be an uploaded file matching the mime type. Available formats: png, svg, bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, tif, tiff, ico.

Image upload validation example:

        'profile_pic' => 'file|image|mime:png,jpeg,bmp',


  • You can add csrf protection with csrf() method that is available in every controller.
    //controller constructor.
    public function __construct()

Add the csrf token in your form:

    <form action="<?= url('/action') ?>">
        <?= csrfField() ?>
        //other fields...

csrfField() will generate a hidden input field named. _token with csrf token. Now whenever you submit this form without csrf token you will get an exception. csrf() method by default checks for post request made to all the methods in that controller but you can change that by passing an array of methods or just a single method:

    $this->csrf(['PUT']); // for PUT request
    $this->csrf(['PUT','DELETE']); // for PUT, and DELETE request
  • You should use e() helper for escaping output whenever needed:
    //inside a view
    <?php echo e($myVariable) ?>

Please note that I wrote this mini-framework just for learning purposes and it's not good enough to be used in a production environment.


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