Ethereum smart contract based cowdfunding webapp
- Solidity 4.2.22
- Next.js 5.1.0
- web3 1.0.0-beta.26
- solc 0.4.22
- semantic ui react
- mocha
- Node verison 8 or higher
- Metamask Chrome extension (will need the mnemonic as well)
- Rinkeby testnet api end point
To run locally:
- Clone or download the repo
- Make a .env file and store the credentials like so:
METAMASK_MNEMONIC=<your mnemonic here>
RINKEBY_ACCOUNT=< endpoint here>
ADDRESS=<leave this blank for now>
- Run yarn (or npm) install to get all of the dependecies
yarn (or npm) install
- From the root of directory cd into ethereum and run node compile.js to create the build folder
cd ethereum
node compile.js
- Once done, run node deploy.js to deploy the contract onto the network (this will generate a contractDeploymentInfo.txt file)
node deploy.js
- Look in the contractDeploymentInfo.txt flie and copy the contract address into the .env
ADDRESS=<address here>
- Navigate back to the root and run yarn start to get the dev server going and go to localhost:3000
cd ..
yarn start
- Open up the browser and navigate to localhost:3000