- This repo implement a pytorch-based DeepSpeech2 that can load the DeepSpeech2 model which is pretrained on PaddlePaddle-v0.12.
- DeepSpeech2 on Pytorch
tested on Python 3.7 with pytorch 1.4:
- Ubuntu19.10 (GPU and CPU)
- MacOS10.15 (CPU only)
- Make sure these libraries or tools installed:
, e.g. installing them viaapt-get
sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config libflac-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libboost-dev swig python-dev
or, installing them via homebrew
or linuxbrew
brew install flac libogg libvorbis boost pkg-config eigen
- Run
to install all python packages and compile a C-based decoder.
For experiment purpose, the folder structure is data-oriented. conf
stores all configurations for the training. And, exps
and tensorboard
store all experiment result and intermediat data, including corresponding configurations. Experiments are named by the starting time.
├── conf
│ ├── augmentation.config
│ └── experiment.yaml
├── data
│ ├── ...
│ └── manifest in csv format
├── decoded
├── exps
│ ├── 200324-15:55:40
│ ├── ...
│ └── 200411-22:28:15
└── tensorboard
├── 200324-15:46:24
├── ...
└── 200411-22:28:15
Our pytorch version takes a .csv
file as its data set interface. This csv file should contain following columns:
Calumn name | Description |
uttid | utterance ID |
st | start time of the utterance (Required, if set segmented=False for dataloader). |
et | end time of the utterance (Required, if set segmented=False for dataloader.) |
text | Manual transcription. |
audio_path | absolute path of audio recordings |
duration | duration of the audio. |
Currently include two configurations. One for data augmentation and the other is for training process.
We kept the original code for data augmentation and feature extraction. Six optional augmentation components are provided to be selected, configured and inserted into the processing pipeline.
- Volume Perturbation
- Speed Perturbation
- Shifting Perturbation
- Online Bayesian normalization
- Noise Perturbation (need background noise audio files)
- Impulse Response (need impulse audio files)
In order to inform the trainer of what augmentation components are needed and what their processing orders are, it is required to prepare in advance an augmentation configuration file in JSON format. For example:
"type": "speed",
"params": {"min_speed_rate": 0.95,
"max_speed_rate": 1.05},
"prob": 0.6
"type": "shift",
"params": {"min_shift_ms": -5,
"max_shift_ms": 5},
"prob": 0.8
If the dataloader is set by this example configuration, every audio clip which is loader by the dataloader will be processed by two steps: First, with 60% of chance, it will be speed perturbed with a uniformly random sampled speed-rate between 0.95 and 1.05. And second, with 80% of chance it will be shifted in time with a random sampled offset between -5 ms and 5 ms. The newly synthesized audio clip will be feed into the feature extractor for further training.
For other configuration examples, please refer to notebooks/example/conf/augmentation.conf
Be careful when utilizing the data augmentation technique, as improper augmentation will do harm to the training, due to the enlarged train-test gap.
stores all configurations for training a model including the data augmentation which is introduced in the next section. Please check notebooks/example/conf/experiment.yaml
for more details.
Several audio recordings from Voxforge are stored in notebooks/example/audio
. Since the manifest requirements absolution path for each recording. The user has to run generate_manifest.py
to generate example manifest. In this example, train set
, val set
and test set
are pointed to the example.csv
cd notebooks/example
python generate_manifest.py
Download DeepSpeech model and Language Model from the following link. This should take a while as the language model is huge. In the meantime, change ds2_model_path
, language_model_path
, vocab_filepath
and mean_std_filepath
Training on CPU is runnable, but it is super slow. Run following code for training:
cd notebooks
python deepspeech_train.py example/conf/experiment.yaml
Run following code for testing:
cd notebooks
python deepspeech_test.py example/conf/experiment.yaml example/decoded
Important codes are distributed to five folders. Data augmentation and decoder comes from PaddlePaddle version. Rewrite the network part.
├── data_utils: code for data augmentation and dataloader
├── decoders: code for decoding
├── model_utils: code for networds
├── notebooks: example and other test code
└── utils: yaml reader
The English corpus is from the Common Crawl Repository and you can download it from statmt. We use part en.00 to train our English language model. There are some preprocessing steps before training:
- Characters not in [A-Za-z0-9\s'] (\s represents whitespace characters) are removed and Arabic numbers are converted to English numbers like 1000 to one thousand.
- Repeated whitespace characters are squeezed to one and the beginning whitespace characters are removed. Notice that all transcriptions are lowercase, so all characters are converted to lowercase.
- Top 400,000 most frequent words are selected to build the vocabulary and the rest are replaced with 'UNKNOWNWORD'.
Currently, only we only transform the BaiduEN8k. The model trained on Librispeech will be our future work.
Currently, we only adapted the BaiduEN8k Model.
Language | Model Name | Training Data | Hours of Speech |
English | BaiduEN8k Model | Baidu Internal English Dataset | 8628 h |
Language Model | Training Data | Token-based | Size | Descriptions |
English LM | CommonCrawl(en.00) | Word-based | 8.3 GB | Pruned with 0 1 1 1 1; About 1.85 billion n-grams; 'trie' binary with '-a 22 -q 8 -b 8' |
To perform z-score normalization (zero-mean, unit stddev) upon audio features, we have to estimate in advance the mean and standard deviation of the features, with some training samples:
python tools/compute_mean_std.py \
--num_samples 2000 \
--specgram_type linear \
--manifest_paths data/librispeech/manifest.train \
--output_path data/librispeech/mean_std.npz
It will compute the mean and standard deviation of power spectrum feature with 2000 random sampled audio clips listed in data/librispeech/manifest.train
and save the results to data/librispeech/mean_std.npz
for further usage.
A vocabulary of possible characters is required to convert the transcription into a list of token indices for training, and in decoding, to convert from a list of indices back to text again. Such a character-based vocabulary can be built with tools/build_vocab.py
python tools/build_vocab.py \
--count_threshold 0 \
--vocab_path data/librispeech/eng_vocab.txt \
--manifest_paths data/librispeech/manifest.train
It will write a vocabuary file data/librispeeech/eng_vocab.txt
with all transcription text in data/librispeech/manifest.train
, without vocabulary truncation (--count_threshold 0