This is an attempt to create a C library to perform Floquet Analysis on a general system.
To compile this, you would require GSL. In Debian-based distributions, it can be obtained by using
sudo apt install libgsl-dev
Just go to src and then run
make all
to compile all the programs. To compile just for specific cases, use
make mathieu
to get the programs corresponding to mathieu equation.
make meissner
to get the programs corresponding to hill-meissner equation.
make population_dynamics
to get the programs corresponding to the results on population dynamics.
To run this, just go to the respective directories and run the compiled binaries. They will generate some data files. To plot them and get the plots, run
Depending on the type of file that is available. generated plots when 2 parameters are involved and plotter2d generates plots for when only 1 parameter is involved.