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Dhara Shah edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 5 revisions

What are the brand characteristics?

  • Collective
  • Knowledge
  • Systematic
  • Artistic/ Visual
  • Simple, not dense

What is the Persona of the target audience? *

18-35 Nerds in specific domain Practitioners, Researchers, students, professors Who want to read and explain technical topics in depth

Practitioners who see this information can be structured, articulated and communicated better.

By Practitioners for Practitioners.

Who is the target audience?

  • Practitioners who are interested in writing specific topics/ have area of interest

What are the characteristics of target audience?

  • Articulate
  • Intellectually curious
  • Organise complex into simple
  • Feminine - nurturing, patient,
  1. Can you describe your business? is a media product

  1. What are the values and/or mission statement of your company?

  2. Why was your company started in the first place and what was the motivation?

  3. Is there a unique story behind your business or business name or logo?

  4. Share 5 adjective or words that best describe your company.

  5. If you had to describe your business in one word, what would it be and why?

  6. How big is your company? (number of employees? revenue?)

  7. What are the strengths of your company?

  8. What are your weaknesses?

  9. What are the long-term goals of the company? Where do you see your company in 5 years? 10 years? 30 years time?

  10. What problem does your company solve? Does anybody care?

  11. When people think about your company or product, what are the feelings and associations you want them to have? Are they unique? Can you “own” them?

  12. Are there any new markets you'd like to break into? If so, what would they be and why?

About Your Customers

  1. Describe your ideal customer?

  2. Who is the primary target audience?

  3. What is the target audience's age group?

  4. Are they mainly male or female?

  5. Where do most of your audience live?

  6. What is the average household income of your target audience?

  7. What is the primary message do want to convey to your customers?

  8. Share 5 adjective or words that best describe your ideal customer.

  9. If your customers had to describe your company in one word, what would it be and why?

  10. How do most of your customers find out about your company?

  11. How do you plan to communicate with your target audience?

  12. What is your value proposition? Is it distinctive? Is it relevant to your customers?

  13. What are the functional benefits that you deliver to our customers?

  14. What are the emotional benefits that only you deliver to your customers?

  15. What problem do you solve for your customers?

  16. Do you have any market research about your ideal client or your product/business that you can share with us?

About Your Competitor Who are your main competitors? (direct or indirect)? What do you like about their presence? What do you dislike about their visual identity? 4. What about your background or product or service sets you apart from your competitors? 5. Why should your prospects buy from you or engage with you? 6. How do your competitors market themselves?

  1. What is your competitors’ brand position?

About the Identity

  1. What is the purpose behind this exercise? Why now?

  2. Do you have an existing brand/identity? IF Yes then - Why isn’t it working for you? What is the current logo? What do you like and dislike about the current logo? d. Why are you looking to change the logo? What do you want the new logo to accomplish? e. Do you have a strap line or slogan that goes along with your logo? f. What words describe how you feel when you look at your current logo and branding? g. Are there any elements from the existing logo that you'd like to keep and why? h. Is there anything that must be included, like existing brand elements, words or icons?

  3. What three attributes would you like your target audience to think of when they look at your branding?

  4. What kind of personality will the brand have?

  5. Which of these words is a better fit for your brand? a. Traditional or modern? b. Friendly or corporate? c. High end or cost-effective? d. Consumer or Trade?

  6. Using 5 adjectives or short phrases, describe your brand’s desired look and feel.

  7. What colours or colour palettes do you like and why?

  8. Where will the logo be mainly used? Print, web, etc.?

  9. In your opinion, what defines a successful logo?

  10. Are there any restrictions to consider when designing the new logo?

  11. Looking at other people's branding, what logos do you like and why?

  12. Are there any logos that you particularly dislike and why?

About the Project

  1. What are the Deliverables for the visual identity?

  2. Does any of your current material need to be updated to match the visual identity?

  3. Do you have a deadline that needs to be considered?

  4. Who will be the internal decision makers on this project?

  5. what would you like the final work to produce?

  6. What materials would you like to see as a result of this new logo?

  7. Would you like a 'brand guidelines' pack for future reference?

  8. Is there anything else you'd like to add that we haven't already covered?