This is a chat application built using Django, Django Channels, and Daphne. It allows users to create and join multiple chat rooms, facilitating real-time communication.
- Multiple chat rooms
- Real-time messaging using Django Channels
- User authentication and authorization
- Responsive design for a seamless experience across devices
- Python (>=3.6)
- Django
- Channels
- Daphne
- Redis (for Channels)
Install my-project with npm
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd Chat_App
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Apply database migrations:
python migrate
- Run the development server:
python runserver
Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
- For production, use Daphne as the ASGI server:
daphne Chat_App.asgi:application
Follow the Django and Channels deployment guides for production deployment with Daphne.
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or pull requests.