This is the first draft of my portfolio done for Homework Assignment #1 done simply using HTML and CSS (Initially, I plan to keep returning to make changes and implement JavaScript/jQuery, but the styling will most likely always remain plain CSS). I have gone back to make revisions and clean up the code not only for functionality, but to make everything easier to read. This is by no means the last time I will return to make changes to my portfolio... it just also gave me a space to play around in. I am always working on updating and modifying the appearance and implementing new things as I learn.
- Dalton Ricker's Portfolio - Deployed Version of the Site can be viewed here.
The only thing you need is a web browser.
Web Browser - Google Chrome Preferred
No installation necessary.
- Font Awesome - A few Font Awesome Icons.
- Meyerweb Reset CSS - As the Reset CSS Stylesheet
- WebStorm - IDE
- Dalton Ricker - Primary Author - SasquatchXYZ
- Many thanks to my instructors & TAs, as well as the O'Reilly reference books.