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Pet project for developing a React interface, which will allow to construct logical proofs and calculate other logical stuff.


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Pet project for developing a React interface, which will allow to construct logical proofs and calculate other logical stuff.

Name templates

  1. Branch name


  2. Commit message

    ts-15: add styles for the header
    bug-21: fix the file extension

  3. PR title

    Ts-15: Header component
    Bug-21: Incorrect filename


npm run dev

This command will use the webpack-dev-server to create a dev server and will watch for your code changes and be recompiled every time you make a change. Open localhost to view it in the browser.

npm run build

This command will build your code and generate a single bundle file and insert it into the html file generated.

npm run lint

This command will run ESLint through all the .js, .ts, and .tsx (used with React) files. Any ESLint errors that can be automatically fixed will be fixed with this command, but any other errors will be printed out in the command line.

npm run test

This command will run all test suites using the Jest framework.

Code Style

Basic Rules

  • Only include one React component per file.
  • Prefer functional components over class components.
  • Always use JSX syntax.
  • Remove all console.log() before pushing your code into the repository.
  • No unneeded comments.
  • Methods and functions that are longer than the screen should be refactored into smaller units.
  • Commented out code should be deleted, not committed.
  • Use absolute imports, except when the imported files are located inside the component folder.
import './child'            // OK
import '../../component'    // not OK!
  • Import libraries first, then absolute imports, then child imports
import React from 'react';
import Logo from 'components/logo';
import SidebarGroup from './group';

Naming conventions

  • Use .tsx extension for React components.
  • Use PascalCase in components, interfaces, or type aliases. For example, ModalWindow, WriteOffAccrualsState.
  • Use kebab-case for folder names. For example, pages/propositions.
  • Create a index.tsx within each folder for exporting. This will reduce repeating names on the imports.
  • Use the filename as the component name. For example, grid-header.tsx should have a reference name of GridHeader component. However, for root components of a directory, use index.tsx as the filename and use the directory name as the component name.
  • If a component requires multiple files (.scss, .test.tsx, etc.) locate all files within component a folder.
  • Always use camelCase for prop names.
  • Unit test files should use the same name as its corresponding file. For example, for GridHeader component create grid-header.test.tsx test.
  • Variable names should be camelCase. Variable names can contain number and special characters

Bug avoidance

  • Avoid using an array index as key prop, prefer a stable ID.
  • Always define explicit defaultProps for all non-required props.
  • Use optional chaining if things can be null.
  • Create pure functions and avoid side-effects.
  • Avoid mutating state when working with arrays or objects.
  • Treat props as read-only. Do not try to modify them.


  • Write unit tests for your components and functions.
  • No logic should exist within your test code.
  • Don't test more than one thing in a test.
  • Code that needs to talk to a network should be mocked. Place the mock data into src/__mocks__ folder.


  • Avoid inline CSS rules.

  • Use SCSS (not SASS) syntax.

  • Create a new styles.scss file for each React component and make root className unique for a project (based on business sense of the page).

  • Use BEM naming conventions for classNames.

    className example: Block - aside-bar Element - logo Modifier - highlighted Result: aside-bar__logo_highlighted

  • Only one block selector can be placed inside a single .scss file. Element and modifier selectors must be nested within a block declaration.

  • Use the parent selector -- & -- to refer to the outer selector.

  • If you need reuse part of the styles, it should be decided by reusing a component, not by copy-pasting styles.

  • Extract reusable style into mixins.

Code Structure

  • Try to create custom hooks instead of just putting a useEffect or multiple useStates directly to your component.
  • Whenever it is possible, split your component into smaller chunks. Often applicable when you are using conditional rendering or defining the columns for a data grid, etc.
  • Wrap JSX tags in parentheses when they span more than one line.
  • Do not use underscore prefix for internal methods of a React component.
  • To keep all the component files consistent, please follow the following pattern:
// 1. Imports - Prefer destructuring imports to minimize written code
import React, { PropsWithChildren, useState, useEffect } from "react";

// 2. Types
type ComponentProps = {
  someProperty: string;

// 3. Additional variables
const SOME_CONSTANT = "something";

// 4. Component
function Component({ someProperty }: PropsWithChildren<ComponentProps>) {
  // 4.1 Definitions
  const [state, setState] = useState(true);
  const { something } = useSomething();

  // 4.2 Functions
  const handleToggleState = () => {

  // 4.3 Effects
  useEffect(() => {
    // ...
  }, []);

  // 4.5 Additional destructuring
  const { property } = something;

  // 4.5. JSX
  return (
          <h2>Lorem ipsum</h2>
          <p>Pellentesque arcu</p>

        <p>Lorem ipsum</p>

// 5. Exports
export default Component;
  • Prefer destructuring properties so it is clear what properties are used in the component:
// ❌
const Button = (props) => {
  return <button>{props.text}</button>;

// ✅
const Button = (props) => {
  const { text } = props;

  return <button>{text}</button>;

// ✅
const Button = ({ text }) => {
  return <button>{text}</button>;
  • Omit the value of the prop when it is explicitly true:
// ❌
<Form hasPadding={true} withError={true} />

// ✅
<Form hasPadding withError />
  • Avoid curly braces for string props:
// ❌
<Title variant={"h1"} value={"Home page"} />

// ✅
<Title variant="h1" value="Home page" />
  • Prefer conditional rendering with ternary operator:
const { role } = user;

// ❌
if (role === ADMIN) {
  return <AdminUser />;
} else {
  return <NormalUser />;

// ✅
return role === ADMIN ? <AdminUser /> : <NormalUser />;
  • Use constants or enums for string values:
// ❌
if (role === 'admin') {
  return <AdminUser />;

// ✅
enum Roles {
  admin = 'admin',
  basic = 'basic',

if (role === Roles.admin) {
  return <AdminUser />;
  • Prefer declarative programming style:
// ❌ imperative: dealing with internals of array iteration
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
let sum = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  sum += arr[i];

// ✅ declarative: we don't deal with internals of iteration
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
const sum = arr.reduce((acc, v) => acc + v, 0);
  • Use descriptive variable names:
// ❌ Avoid single letter names
const n = 'Max';
// ✅
const name = 'Max';

// ❌ Avoid abbreviations
const sof = 'Sunday';
// ✅
const startOfWeek = 'Sunday';

// ❌ Avoid meaningless names
const foo = false;
// ✅
const appInit = false;
  • Avoid long list of function arguments:
// ❌
function createPerson(firstName, lastName, height, weight, gender) {
  // ...

// ✅
function createPerson({ firstName, lastName, height, weight, gender }) {
  // ...

// ✅
function createPerson(person) {
  const { firstName, lastName, height, weight, gender } = person;
  // ...
  • Prefer using template literals:
// ❌
const userName = user.firstName + " " + user.lastName;

// ✅
const userDetails = `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`;
  • Use React fragments instead of additional html elements to wrap several React elements:
// ❌
const ActionButtons = ({ text1, text2 }) => {
  return (

// ✅
const Button = ({ text1, text2 }) => {
  return (
  • Separate function from the JSX if it takes more than one line:
// ❌
  onClick={() => {

// ✅
<button onClick={() => setState(!state)} />

// ✅
const handleButtonClick = () => {

<button onClick={handleButtonClick} />


Pet project for developing a React interface, which will allow to construct logical proofs and calculate other logical stuff.








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