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Attempt Questions from Striver SDE Sheet in next 35-40 days. #StriversSheetChallenge

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Attempt Questions from Striver SDE Sheet in the next 35-40 days. #StriversSheetChallenge

Day 1

  • Best Time to buy and sell stock
  • Kadanes Algorithm
  • Pascals Triangle
  • Set matrix Zeroes
  • Sort Colors

Day 2

  • Combination Sum 1
  • Quick Sort
  • Merge Sort

Day 3

  • Next Permutation
  • Serach in a 2D matrix
  • Combination Sum 2
  • Subset Sum

Day 4

  • Subsets 2
  • Find the Duplicate Number
  • Merge Sorted Arrays

Day 5

  • Find the Repeating and Missing Numbers
  • Majority Element 2
  • Merge Overlapping Intervals
  • Rotate Matrix
  • Pow(x,n)

Day 6

  • Two Sum
  • 4 Sum

Day 7

  • Reverse Linked List
  • Middle of the Linked List
  • Merge two Sorted Linked Lists
  • Remove the Nth Node from the End of the Linked List

Day 8

  • Linked List Cycle
  • Linked List Cycle 2
  • Add Two Linked Lists
  • Delete Node in a Linked List
  • Intersection of two Linked Lists

Day 9

  • Check Palindrome Linked List
  • Reverse Nodes in K Group
  • Maximum Consecutive Ones
  • Flattening a Linked List
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

Day 10

  • Rotate the Linked List
  • Clone a Linked List with random and next pointer
  • Trapping Rainwater

Day 11

  • Stack using Arrays
  • Stack using Queues
  • Implementing Stack using Queue
  • Implementing Queue using Stack
  • Check for balanced Parentheses
  • Next Greater Element

Day 12

  • Factorial Trailing Zeroes
  • Find in Mountain Array
  • Longest Palindromic Substring
  • Shortest Palindrome
  • Minimum Deletions to Make an Array Divisible
  • Find All Numbers that Disappeared in an Array
  • Three Divisors
  • Four Divisors

Day 13

  • Infix to postfix
  • Evaluate reverse polish notation
  • Minimum coins to make all denominations
  • Bitwise Count the no. of bits
  • Bitwise Integer isPalindrome
  • Bitwise Check no. is Power of 4 in O(1)

Day 14

  • Sort a Stack
  • Next Smaller Element

Day 15

  • LRU Cache
  • LFU Cache
  • MinStack
  • Single Number II
  • Decode XORed Array
  • XOR Operation in Array
  • Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero
  • Count the Number of Consistent Strings

Day 16

  • Minimum Bit Flips to Convert a Number
  • Quick, Merge, Selection, Bubble, Insertion Sorting Algorithms

Day 17

  • Sudoku Solver
  • M-Coloring Problem
  • Permutations
  • NQueens

Day 18

  • Rat in a Maze
  • Palindrome Partitioning
  • Kth Permutation Sequence

Day 19

  • Roman to Integers
  • Reverse Words in a String

Day 20

  • Fibonacci Numbers - DP

Day 21

  • Reverse Words in a String
  • String to Integer (atoi)
  • Longest Common Prefix

Day 22

  • String Hashing
  • Rabin Karp Algorithms
  • Repeating String Match
  • Z-Function_Sliding_Window
  • Valid Anagram
  • Compare Version Numbers
  • Compare Version Number


Attempt Questions from Striver SDE Sheet in next 35-40 days. #StriversSheetChallenge






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