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baggepinnen committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 2d4668d commit 5108b3e
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Showing 6 changed files with 86 additions and 12 deletions.
25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions src/clock.jl
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Expand Up @@ -126,15 +126,14 @@ end
is_concrete_time_domain(x) = x isa Union{AbstractClock, Continuous}

ContinuousClock <: AbstractClock
ContinuousClock([t]; dt)
A clock that ticks at each solver step. This clock does generally not have equidistant tick intervals, instead, the tick interval depends on the adaptive step-size slection of the continuous solver, as well as any continuous event handling. If adaptivity of the solver is turned off and there are no continuous events, the tick interval will be given by the fixed solver time step `dt`.
struct ContinuousClock <: AbstractClock
"Independent variable"
t::Union{Nothing, Symbolic}
ContinuousClock(t::Union{Num, Symbolic}) = new(value(t))
ContinuousClock() = ContinuousClock(nothing)
Expand All @@ -144,3 +143,23 @@ Base.hash(c::ContinuousClock, seed::UInt) = seed ⊻ 0x953d7b9a18874b91
function Base.:(==)(c1::ContinuousClock, c2::ContinuousClock)
((c1.t === nothing || c2.t === nothing) || isequal(c1.t, c2.t))

EventClock(t, root_equation)
A clock that ticks each time the continuously evaluated `root_equation` is true. This clock is used to trigger the exection of a discrete system when a continuous event occurs.
struct EventClock <: AbstractClock
"Independent variable"
t::Union{Nothing, Symbolic}
EventClock(t::Union{Num, Symbolic}, ex) = new(value(t), ex)

sampletime(c) = nothing
Base.hash(c::EventClock, seed::UInt) = hash(c.cond, seed 0x253d7b9a18874b91)
function Base.:(==)(c1::EventClock, c2::EventClock)
((c1.t === nothing || c2.t === nothing) || isequal(c1.t, c2.t)) &&
isequal(c1.cond, c2.cond)
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/discretedomain.jl
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function (xn::Num)(k::ShiftIndex)
@unpack clock, steps = k
x = value(xn)
t = clock.t
# Verify that the independent variables of k and x match and that the expression doesn't have multiple variables
vars = Symbolics.get_variables(x)
length(vars) == 1 ||
error("Cannot shift a multivariate expression $x. Either create a new unknown and shift this, or shift the individual variables in the expression.")
args = Symbolics.arguments(vars[]) # args should be one element vector with the t in x(t)
length(args) == 1 ||
error("Cannot shift an expression with multiple independent variables $x.")
isequal(args[], t) ||
if isa(clock, Clock)
isequal(args[], t) ||
error("Independent variable of $xn is not the same as that of the ShiftIndex $(k.t)")

# d, _ = propagate_time_domain(xn)
# if d != clock # this is only required if the variable has another clock
Expand All @@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ function (xn::Num)(k::ShiftIndex)
if steps == 0
return xn # x(k) needs no shift operator if the step of k is 0
Shift(t, steps)(xn) # a shift of k steps
Shift(clock isa Inferred ? nothing : clock.t, steps)(xn) # a shift of k steps

Base.:+(k::ShiftIndex, i::Int) = ShiftIndex(k.clock, k.steps + i)
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/systems/callbacks.jl
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Expand Up @@ -453,7 +453,6 @@ function generate_rootfinding_callback(cbs, sys::AbstractODESystem, dvs = unknow

rhss = map(x -> x.rhs, eqs)
root_eq_vars = unique(collect(Iterators.flatten(map(ModelingToolkit.vars, rhss))))

u = map(x -> time_varying_as_func(value(x), sys), dvs)
p = map.(x -> time_varying_as_func(value(x), sys), reorder_parameters(sys, ps))
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/systems/clock_inference.jl
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ function infer_clocks!(ci::ClockInference)
isempty(idxs) && continue
if !allequal(var_domain[i] for i in idxs)
throw(ClockInferenceException("Clocks are not consistent in connected component $(fullvars[c′])"))
vd = var_domain[first(idxs)]
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13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions src/systems/diffeqs/abstractodesystem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1054,9 +1054,16 @@ function DiffEqBase.ODEProblem{iip, specialize}(sys::AbstractODESystem, u0map =
if clock isa Clock
PeriodicCallback(DiscreteSaveAffect(affect, sv), clock.dt)
elseif clock isa ContinuousClock
affect = DiscreteSaveAffect(affect, sv)
DiscreteCallback(Returns(true), affect,
initialize = (c, u, t, integrator) -> affect(integrator))
daffect = DiscreteSaveAffect(affect, sv)
DiscreteCallback(Returns(true), daffect,
initialize = (c, u, t, integrator) -> daffect(integrator))
elseif clock isa EventClock
tempsys = @set sys.continuous_events = [SymbolicContinuousCallback(clock.cond)]
cb = generate_rootfinding_callback(tempsys)
daffect = DiscreteSaveAffect(affect, sv)
@set! cb.affect! = daffect
@set! cb.affect_neg! = daffect
error("$clock is not a supported clock type.")
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51 changes: 49 additions & 2 deletions test/clock.jl
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Expand Up @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ end
## Test continuous clock

c = ModelingToolkit.ContinuousClock(t)

k = ShiftIndex()
@mtkmodel Counter begin
@variables begin
count(t) = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,4 +515,51 @@ end
prob = ODEProblem(model, [], (0.0, 10.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), kwargshandle = KeywordArgSilent)

@test sol.prob.kwargs[:disc_saved_values][1].t == sol.t[1:2:end] # Test that the discrete-tiem system executed at every step of the continuous solver. The solver saves each time step twice, one state value before discrete affect and one after.
@test sol.prob.kwargs[:disc_saved_values][1].t == sol.t[1:2:end] # Test that the discrete-time system executed at every step of the continuous solver. The solver saves each time step twice, one state value before discrete affect and one after.
@test sol.prob.kwargs[:disc_saved_values][1].saveval[2:end] == sol.u[1:2:(end - 2)]

## Test event clock

k = ShiftIndex()
@mtkmodel CrossingCounter begin
@variables begin
count(t) = 0
u(t) = 0
@equations begin
count(k+1) ~ u

@mtkmodel FirstOrder begin
@variables begin
x(t) = 0
@equations begin
D(x) ~ -x + sin(t)

@mtkmodel FirstOrderWithCrossingCounter begin
@components begin
counter = CrossingCounter()
fo = FirstOrder()
c2 = ModelingToolkit.EventClock(t, fo.x ~ 0.1)
@equations begin
counter.u ~ Sample(c2)(fo.x)

@mtkbuild model = FirstOrderWithCrossingCounter()
prob = ODEProblem(model, [], (0.0, 30.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), kwargshandle = KeywordArgSilent)

@test all(x -> isapprox(0.1, x[], rtol = 1e-6),
sol.prob.kwargs[:disc_saved_values][1].saveval[2:end]) # omit first value due to initial value of count in count(k+1) ~ u
@test length(sol.prob.kwargs[:disc_saved_values][1].t) == 10 # number of crossings of 0.1

# plot(sol)
# vline!(sol.prob.kwargs[:disc_saved_values][1].t)

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