A Bucket for the Best Windows Package Manager Scoop: An Enhancement for the Official CLI Bucket.
If you would like to be a co-maintainer, feel free to tell me in the Discussion.
For ones familiar with Scoop:
scoop bucket add main-plus https://github.com/Scoopforge/Main-Plus
Enjoy the fun of command line!
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
irm get.scoop.sh -outfile 'install.ps1'
.\install.ps1 -ScoopDir ['Scoop_Path'] -ScoopGlobalDir ['GlobalScoopApps_Path'] -NoProxy
# for example
.\install.ps1 -ScoopDir 'C:\Scoop' -ScoopGlobalDir 'C:\Program Files' -NoProxy
If you skip this step, all user installed Apps and Scoop itself will live in
For more information, please visit Scoop official site at π https://scoop.sh/ π
scoop install aria2
scoop install git
scoop bucket add main-plus https://github.com/Scoopforge/Main-Plus
scoop update
scoop install <cli_name>
scoop config aria2-enabled true
scoop config aria2-retry-wait 4
scoop config aria2-split 16
scoop config aria2-max-connection-per-server 16
scoop config aria2-min-split-size 4M
App | Language | Auto-Update ? |
cargo-dist | Rust | β |
chatgpt-cli | Go | β |
commix | Rust | β |
cryptomator-cli | Rust | β |
cxx2flow | Rust | β |
excalidraw-converter | Go | β |
flow-control | Zig | β |
gauth | Go | β |
json-tui | C++ | β |
llama.cpp | C++ | β |
llama.cpp-cuda | C++ | β |
ltex-ls-plus | Kotlin | β |
mado | Rust | β |
micromamba | C++ | β |
neocmakelsp | Rust | β |
n-m3u8dl-re | C# | β |
pixi | Rust | β |
pscompletions | powershell | β |
qlty | Rust | β |
sendme | Rust | β |
serpl | Rust | β |
shiroa | Rust | β |
sttr | Go | β |
tex-fmt | Rust | β |
typship | Rust | β |
typstyle | Rust | β |
wthrr | Rust | β |
yutu | Go | β |