This is an extension of the base DFD Edit application to demonstrate the ability for the Linked Data representation of the users DFD to integrate with an RDF representation of their database and with GDPR personal data category definitions. See my report for more details.
The live site can be be accessed Here.
This extension will allow the user to annotate the data flows and data stores in their DFD with the URI of a column or table in their database.
By representing the user's DFD and it personal data uses as Linked Data, we can query this Knowledge Base using SPARQL. Press the 'Query' button to show a form where you can input SPARQL that you can then execute. This feature will highlight all the items that you select in your query and display the result as JSON.
git clone
cd DFD_Edit
- Requires python 3.6 (or higher)
- Requires pipenv
pipenv install
Option 1: Set a environment variable
(If using bash)
$vim ~/.bashrc
#add to bottom of the file
If windows see here
Option 2: Add secret key to App/
Change this line to
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = "<RANDOM-VALUE>"
I recommend to create your random value using
$ python
Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 17:00:18) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import secrets
>>> secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
This will create a sqlite DB in App/site.db
and populate it with some demo users and demo DFDs. You can long in with to these accounts with the email: '[email protected]' (or 2, 3 for the other users) and password 'test'.
This will allow you to access the site at
| |- database_r2rml_mapping.ttl (RDF representation of the database)
| |- personal_data.ttl (DB annotations of personal data catagories)
| |- img (site images)
| |- js
| |-editor (code for editor page)
| |- config (key bindings for editor)
| |- images (images used in editor)
| |- main.js (contains main function to create editor and diagram hierarchy data structure)
| |- editor.js (creates editor)
| |- diagram_hierarchy.js (diagram hierarchy getters & setters and diagram switch event handlers)
| |- validator.js (validation helper functions)
| |- save_graph.js (functions for serializing DFD and making save and export requests)
| |- compliance_analysis.js (functions annotation DFD and highlight personal data)
| |- sparql_query.js (functions to send SPARQL query requests and display results)
| |- account.js (Handles users interactions on the account page)
| |- mxgraph-master (mxgraph library used for drag & drop diagram)
| |- styles (Custom CSS)
|- templates
|- use_case_queries (Sample SPARQL queries and JSON output)
|- __init__ (App constructor)
|- (Data models)
|- (Route definitions)
|- (Form definitions)
|- (RDF export functions)
|- (Execute users query and personal data uses)
|- (Helper functions) (Creates tables and fill with demo data) (Runs server in debug mode)