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Seattle VolunTech

Build Status Seattle VolunTech is a platform that connects minority- and immigrant-owned small businesses with technical resources necessary to improve web presence and brand awareness in the Seattle area.

Seattle VolunTech one of three projects resulting from the efforts of the WTIA ION Collaborators - Cohort 3 developed and maintained in concert with Codefellows code school in Seattle.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

IntelliJ Project Setup

Optimizing Imports

  1. In your project's file tree view, right click on the "seattlevoluntech", then "Optimize Imports"

Datasource Configuration

  1. In your project's file tree view, navigate and open src/main/resources/
  2. Add the following configurations values, fill in the username and password configured for your database <>

Project Environmental Variables Configuration

  1. Ask the Project Administrator about the "auth0.client-secret" secret value
  2. In the IntelliJ application menu bar, navigate to the "Run" -> "Edit Configuration"
  3. On the "Environment Variables" line, click on the "..." button
  4. Click the "+" icon to add a new environment variable
  5. Populate "name" with "auth0.client-secret"
  6. Populate the "value" with the secret value provided by the Project Administrator

Running the Application Server

  1. In your project's file tree view, navigate and open src/main/java/org.seattlevoluntech/
  2. In the IntelliJ application menu bar, click on "Run" -> "Run"
  3. If the build is successful, the terminal will shows the server's local URL, eg. http://localhost:8080

Built with

Setup backend with Windows machine

  • Open Terminal in IntelliJ (this will run command line arguments so linux/mac commands won't work)
  • Type psql -Upostgres (this assumes your username is the default, if not, put something else after the -U so if it was "Seattle", it would be psql -USeattle)
  • Type create database voluntech (you may change voluntech to some other database if needed)
  • On the top next to the play button, click on the drop down and then "Edit configurations" Make sure it's on SeattlevoluntechApplication
  • Click the arrow next to Environment
  • Click the folder on the right of the box for "Environment variables"
  • Click the '+' button
  • Put auth0.client-secret for name and 0v2hUD4ybblJBI4aGGKbdcygtArU60g-9a0CNRVRovjZ-LTQvaWLDheSPlQKwzA2 for value Click OK
  • Run the program, it should show a website when you go to http://localhost:8080 ... more to come ...


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