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Building .deb packages

Lauri Ojansivu edited this page May 20, 2024 · 3 revisions

Other build from source info is at

Note: While it's possible to build TSC at Debian/Ubuntu based distros, where exists all dependencies, at any CPU architecture, there needs to be fast enough CPU, good enough graphics drivers and graphics card, to game be fast enough to be playable. RasPi3 or RasPi4 could maybe work.

Building .deb packages

1) Download build scripts

sudo apt -y install git wget curl build-essential



## 2) Edit control file for architecture


nano -c noble/amd64/tsc_2.1.0/DEBIAN/control

At noble directory, there are currently directories for architechtures amd64/arm64/s390x At that control textfile, change architecture to what you are currently running, like i386, or anything else:

Architecture: amd64

3) Edit control file for correct version of dependencies

In control file:

Depends: libboost-chrono1.83.0, libboost-filesystem1.83.0

Check that there is listed correct version of dependencies, and update version numbers:

dpkg -l | grep libboost-chrono

4. Edit commit hash at bottom of control file

At bottom of control file, change text It was compiled from commit 3ae9377 to your newest short commit hash from

5. Compile and install Release build

git clone

cd TSC


# Change architectecture amd64 below if different

cp CHANGELOG ../noble/amd64/tsc_2.1.0/DEBIAN/

cd ../noble/amd64/tsc_2.1.0/bin

cp /usr/bin/tsc .

cd ../usr/share/tsc/

cp -pR /usr/share/tsc/* .

cd ../../..


mv tsc_2.1.0.deb TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.deb

md5sum TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.deb > TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.md5sum

sha256sum TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.deb > TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.sha256sum

Then you have these files, filename has distro and architecture:

  • TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.deb
  • TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.md5sum
  • TSC-2.1.0-noble-amd64.sha256sum

Official deb packages are at: