This project separates to six parts. At the beginning, we used PyTorch to implement a classifier for MNIST handwritten digits, and afterwards, we implemented a framework from scratch to train and use neural networks for inference. Details of each task are as follows:
- ReLU activation function
- Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD) optimizer
- Cross Entropy Loss Function
- Dataset: MNIST handwritten digits
- Validation data accuracy 97%
Sample images from MNIST:
Train and validation accuracy of trained CNN:
- Model: ResNet50
- Optimizer: Adam
- Loss Function: Cross Entropy
Dataset sample:
Training loss plot:
- Tensor Class: Included mathematical operations and ability to save gradients
- Implemented layer: Linear Layer
- Implemented Optimizers: SGD, Momentum, Adam, and RMSprop
- Implemented Loss Functions: Mean Squared Error, Categorical Cross Entropy
- Implemented Activation Functions: ReLU, LeakyReLU, Tanh, and Sigmoid
In this part, we use our implemented
For testing this part, you can easily run
which uses the implemented framework to train a simple neural network with two linear layers:
- Used two linear layers with hidden neuron numbers of
- Used Adam optimizer with learning rate of
with batch size of100
- Used
loss function