This project aims to segment blood vessels in retina images using a U-Net model. We used a combination of the DRIVE and HRF datasets to enhance the model's generalization capabilities. The dataset was augmented using various image transformations such as HorizontalFlip
, VerticalFlip
, ElasticTransform
, GridDistortion
, and OpticalDistortion
to further improve performance (augmentation logic can be found in
- Architecture: U-Net
- Framework: TensorFlow
- Training: The model was trained for 100 epochs on a Kaggle P100 GPU.
Three samples of the model output. The images from left to right are: input image, true mask, and predicted mask.
The project combines two retina datasets:
- DRIVE (Digital Retinal Images for Vessel Extraction)
- HRF (High-Resolution Fundus Image Database)
Both datasets were augmented to increase the variety and complexity of training examples.
We applied the following augmentation techniques:
- Horizontal Flip
- Vertical Flip
- Elastic Transform
- Grid Distortion
- Optical Distortion
This augmentation enhances the model's robustness by exposing it to various transformations of the retina images.