A modern spinoff of the classic Breakout arcade game built in Unity3d. AI built with ml-agents plays the game during periods of inactivity when on the title screen.
- Built on Unity 2021.3.10f1
- MlAgents tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPFU30tbyKs
- start model =
mlagents-learn config/HitBall.yaml --run-id=newBrainID
- uses a config file w/ pre-set settings
- start model from previous brain =
mlagents-learn config/HitBall.yaml --initialize-from=startBrainID --run-id=newBrainID
- visualize results -
tensorboard --logdir results
- start model =
- build process:
- build project for web-gl in unity
- copy + paste github url of index.html into https://raw.githack.com/
- copy url for production
- paste url for production into iframe src
- on weebly and github.io