This virtual machine Virtual Machine Image List
subscriber implementation is
intended to be a production grade reference implementation.
The software makes use of a database to store subscriptions in a similar way to a podcast reader or a Linux package manager. The tested Database is SqlLight, but it is based upon SQLalchamy so should support many databases. Sdllight has proved more than adequate for the low transaction rate of a image list subscriber and so deployment issues are just backing up a databasefile.
Since the software is made with the Grid in mind it is only natural that the
certificate model is used.
This application allows users to subscribe to Virtual Machine Image List
cache the images referenced to in the Virtual Machine Image List
, validate
the images list with x.509
based public key cryptography, and validate the
images against sha512 hashes in the images lists and provide events for
further applications to process update or expire changes of virtual machine
images without having to further validate the images.
This software is available at:
The software is based upon a simple database that stores subscriptions to
Virtual Machine Image List
s, who can sign the Virtual Machine Image List
and which images belong to which subscriptions. It allows images to selected
for subscription.
Subscribed images can be downloaded verified and cached. Cached images can be verified, and if invalid or expired they are moved to an expiry directory.
- Add and delete multiple subscriptions to
Virtual Machine Image List
s. - Update subscriptions checking authenticity of the message using
based signatures. - Automation as a cron script.
- Subscribe and unsubscribe to images from
Virtual Machine Image List
s. - Download verify images into a local cache.
- Expire images to an archive when no longer endorsed or corrupt.
- Open Stack intgration by Mattieu Puel
- OpenNebula intgration by Roberto Rosende Dopazo
This set of applications are designed to provide a similar work flow from each
area of control to the Virtual Machine Image List
- Endorsers ofVirtual Machine Image List
- Subscription list details.vmcatcher_image
- Image details.vmcatcher_cache
- Cache images and update events.
They work in conjunction with a database to ease navigation, a local cache of
Virtual Machine Image List
subscriptions. The database is message format
agnostic, but it authenticates and validates all messages in import. Because
these are just caches of Virtual Machine Image List
s they are meant to be
used the majority of the time without intervention.
If you are signing a list using the HEPiX Virtual Machine Image List
you should also install this application and subscribe to your current image.
It is intended to with a couple of cron scripts to be informed at any time if
your local images are matching signatures in the Virtual Machine Image List
Anyone curious about this application should consider this application a
software application similar to Debian's 'aptitude' or Redhats 'yum', but
rather for virtual machines, authenticated by the x.509
Like yum and apt this tool can be extended. The following handlers have been developed
TableCloud Integration with vmcatcher
Open Stack
Mattieu Puel
Open Stack
Mattieu Puel
Cesga cloud tools
Roberto Rosende Dopazo
Christos KK Loverdos
First make sure that all the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) are upto date.
[root] # fetch-crl
This suit of applications can use either environment variable or command line to set most parameters. If neither environment variables or command line parameters are not set for critical variables the application will provide defaults and show warnings.
The most important setting is the location of the database. This is read from VMCATCHER_RDBMS,
[user] $ export VMCATCHER_RDBMS="sqlite:////var/lib/vmcatcher/vmcatcher.db"
The above line instructs the SQLalchamy interface to databases to use sqlite
and path "/var/lib/vmcatcher/vmcatcher.db" on a UNIX system. This is the only
important file and stores the older signed image lists. SQL is used to enforce
most of the rules such as unique nature of RFC 4122 UUID
's and the URLS for
the subscriptions, this should be backed up. Other environment variables are
documented later.
To add a subscription,
[user] $ wget --no-check-certificate
Now you can check the Virtual Machine Image List
by visual inspection.
[user] $ grep 'hv:[cd][an]' hepix_signed_image_list
"hv:ca": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=CERN Trusted Certification Authority",
"hv:dn": "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=buncic/CN=379010/CN=Predrag Buncic",
Now create this endorser. The endorser_uuid can be any string but its
recommended this is a short string possibly following the RFC 4122 UUID
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser --create \
--endorser_uuid='Predrag Buncic' \
--subject='/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=buncic/CN=379010/CN=Predrag Buncic' \
--issuer='/DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=CERN Trusted Certification Authority'
Now we can add the subscription, this will automatically link the endorser with this subscription.
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser -l
Ian '/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=buncic/CN=379010/CN=Predrag Buncic' '/DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=CERN Trusted Certification Authority'
The above command will show you the endorsers. Note the first column is the
identifier. In this case its shorter than a RFC 4122 UUID
. The second column
is the users certificate subject (some times know as distinguished name) while
the third column is the subject of the issuing certificate authority.
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -s file:////`pwd`/hepix_signed_image_list
INFO:main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
WARNING:db_actions:list hv:uri does not match subscription uri
Although less secure it is also possible to add the option '--auto-endorse' to the command line so that both the endorsers, and endorsers issuer's certificate subjects are added to the database automatically. This is particularly useful for testing.
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe --auto-endorse -s file:////`pwd`/hepix_signed_image_list
INFO:main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
WARNING:db_actions:list hv:uri does not match subscription uri
List the registered Images.
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -l
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2 0 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e 0 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
da42ca85-179b-4873-b12e-32d549bf02b6 0 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
The results show the RFC 4122 UUID
of the image, the availability state and
the subscription RFC 4122 UUID
. The state value is a bitmap;
- 1 Image is subscribed
- 2 Image is available from a valid
Virtual Machine Image List
Now we will select an image for local caching.
Next update the subscriptions.
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -U
INFO:main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
Now the data base contains the latest version of the Virtual Machine Image List
. To list the available images referenced in the local database:
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -l
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
da42ca85-179b-4873-b12e-32d549bf02b6 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
This now shows the images are available in the latest Virtual Machine Image List
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -a -u 858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
The Virtual Machine Image List
state is now changed to
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -l
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e 3 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
da42ca85-179b-4873-b12e-32d549bf02b6 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
Clearly showing that the image '858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e' is subscribed.
Make the directories for caching the images.
[user] $ mkdir cache cache/partial cache/expired
Now cache the images.
[user] $ vmcatcher_cache
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
INFO:DownloadDir:Downloading '858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e'.
INFO:CacheMan:moved file 858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e
Once this is complete the image from the Virtual Machine Image List
will be
[user] $ find cache/
The latest build system artefacts are published here
The intra site tools are tested on every release for Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 and are developed on the Debian Linux platform. They are available as src and binary RPM packages in the following repository sporting.
Prebuilt Debian packages is currently work in progress, but prebuilt tar balls are available.
Deployment instructions are provided in the README included in the source code and the RPM.
Install EPEL for dependencies.
[root] # rpm -i
Install Yokel yum repository.
Install the Grid CA repository for details please see
[root] # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/egi-trust-anchor.repo
install the ca-policy-egi-core
[root] # yum install ca-policy-egi-core
install fetch-crl
[root] # yum install fetch-crl
[root] # yum install vmcatcher
Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 is no longer updated please report a bug if you still need this platform.
Install EPEL for dependencies.
[root] # rpm -i
Install DESY yum repository.
[root] # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/vmcasting.repo
Install the Grid CA repository for details please see
[root] # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/egi-trust-anchor.repo
Install the lcg-CA
[root] # yum install lcg-CA
install fetch-crl
[root] # yum install fetch-crl
Install the HEPiX Virtual Machine Image List
[root] # yum install vmcatcher
This may fail due to a dependency of m2crypto that cannot be satisfied. This is due to known bugs in m2crypto in the version shipped in RHEL5. If this is a problem please download the following
And build a native RPM.
Do not install this on Debian 6.0 as the included version of python-m2crypto is not stable.
These instructions are for Debian Linux 7.0 (Wheezy) or later.
Unfortunately at this moment the code is not packaged, but they will be soon. All the dependencies are available in the Debian repository.
For Grid scientific use you can get a trust store easily using the repository.
[root] # wget -q -O - \ \
| apt-key add -
Add the following line to your sources.list file for APT:
#### EGI Trust Anchor Distribution ####
deb egi-igtf core
for example:
[root] # echo '#### EGI Trust Anchor Distribution ####' >> \
[root] # echo 'deb egi-igtf core' >> \
Now install the Certification Authorities
for the grid (Other Certification Authorities
can be substituted), install a tool to download and
cache the Certificate Revocation Lists
[root] # aptitude update
[root] # aptitude install ca-policy-egi-core
[root] # aptitude install fetch-crl
[root] # fetch-crl
Now install the code from git.
The latest version of hepixvmitrust-X.X.XX.src.tar.gz should be downloaded extracted and installed.
[root] # wget
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 19922 (19K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `hepixvmitrust-0.0.15.src.tar.gz'
100%[======================================>] 19,922 --.-K/s in 0.05s
2012-05-28 19:45:45 (413 KB/s) - `hepixvmitrust-0.0.15.src.tar.gz' saved [19922/19922]
[root] # tar -zxf hepixvmitrust-0.0.15.src.tar.gz
[root] # cd hepixvmitrust-0.0.15
[root] # python setup install
[root] # echo $?
[root] # cd ..
The latest version ofsmimeX509validation-0.0.11.src.tar.gz -X.X.XX.src.tar.gz should be downloaded extracted and installed.
[root] #
[root] # wget
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 19922 (19K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `smimeX509validation-0.0.11.src.tar.gz'
100%[======================================>] 19,922 --.-K/s in 0.05s
2012-05-28 19:45:45 (413 KB/s) - `smimeX509validation-0.0.11.src.tar.gz' saved [19922/19922]
[root] # tar -zxf smimeX509validation-0.0.11.src.tar.gz
[root] # cd smimeX509validation-0.0.11
[root] # python setup install
[root] # echo $?
[root] # cd ..
The latest version of vmcatcher-X.X.XX.src.tar.gz should be downloaded extracted and installed.
[root] #
[root] # wget
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 19922 (19K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `vmcatcher-0.1.29.src.tar.gz'
100%[======================================>] 19,922 --.-K/s in 0.05s
2012-05-28 19:45:45 (413 KB/s) - `vmcatcher-0.1.29.src.tar.gz' saved [19922/19922]
[root] # tar -zxf vmcatcher-0.1.29.src.tar.gz
[root] # cd vmcatcher-0.1.29
[root] # python setup install
[root] # echo $?
[root] # cd ..
Environment variables can be used to set default values but the command line options will override any set environment options.
Sets the path to the database. For example "sqlite:///vmcatcher.db"
Sets the executions string. Command line options can be set as environment variables just like the command line interface. Users of the "sh shell" must protect the environment variables from being substituted by their shell.
[user] $ export VMCATCHER_CACHE_EVENT="./myEventProcessor \$VMCATCHER_EVENT_TYPE"
An example of how to execute a command with an action command line.
Sets the path to the logging configuration file.
This is a standard python logging file and is documented in the standard python documentation on logging. For further information please read here.
Setting this operation overides the command line options "--verbose" and "--quiet" and is overridern by "--log-config"
Sets the Path to the certificate authorities public keys, certificate revocation lists and certificate name spaces.
Path used by 'vmcatcher_endorser
' to store verified VM images.
Path used by 'vmcatcher_endorser
' to download VM images before VM image
integrity is checked.
Path used by 'vmcatcher_endorser
' to store VM images when they are no longer
Instructs 'vmcatcher_endorser
' to download the latest VM images and check
Instructs 'vmcatcher_endorser
' check integrity for all currently stored VM
Instructs 'vmcatcher_endorser
' to expire stored VM images that are no longer
This application is for managing who the subscriber trusts to update image
lists. Since individuals are identified with x.509
certificates, Each
certificate has an issuing certificate and a unique string called a 'subject'
to identify the certificate. The 'subject' of a certificate and the 'subject'
of the issuing certificate combined are called 'credentials', and will be
globally unique.
Individuals on rare occasions will need more than one certificate, for this reason they are given a unique identifier under this system and allowed to have more than one set of credentials.
Adding a individual to the vmcatcher
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser --create \
--endorser_uuid=e55c1afe-0a62-4d31-a8d7-fb8c825f92a2 \
--subject='/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=buncic/CN=379010/CN=Predrag Buncic' \
--issuer='/DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=CERN Trusted Certification Authority'
Deleting and individual from a vmcatcher
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser --delete \
Allowing an individual to update a subscription.
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser --link \
--endorser_uuid=e55c1afe-0a62-4d31-a8d7-fb8c825f92a2 \
Removing an individuals right to update a subscription.
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser --unlink \
--endorser_uuid=e55c1afe-0a62-4d31-a8d7-fb8c825f92a2 \
Each endorser_uuid must be unique or they will be assumed to be the same item. The endorser_uuid could be a more human name:
[user] $ vmcatcher_endorser --create \
--endorser_uuid='Predrag Buncic' \
--subject='/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=buncic/CN=379010/CN=Predrag Buncic' \
--issuer='/DC=ch/DC=cern/CN=CERN Trusted Certification Authority'
This application manages your subscriptions and their update:
To add a subscription
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -s
Or alternatively you can download a file visually inspect it and subscribe to the local file.
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -s file:////`pwd`/hepix_signed_image_list
To update your subscriptions
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -U
To list subscriptions
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -l
63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86 True
Getting Information on a subscription:
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -i --uuid=63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
subscription.dc:description=CERN Virtual Machine
you can also select on the basis of url:
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -i -r
subscription.dc:description=CERN Virtual Machine
Change the output format to get the original message without the security wrapper, or in original form:
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -i --uuid=63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86 -f message
Three formats exist SMIME, message, lines.
- SMIME for applications that wish to process the signature as if from the endorser directly.
- message for applications that have no interest in processing the SMIME signature.
- lines for human users of this application.
To delete a subscription
[user] $ vmcatcher_subscribe -D --uuid=63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
This application manages images within your subscription.
List the available images
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -l
327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e 3 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
da42ca85-179b-4873-b12e-32d549bf02b6 2 63175437-7d59-4851-b333-c96cb6545a86
The results show the RFC 4122 UUID
of the image, the availability state and
the subscription RFC 4122 UUID
. The state value is a bitmap, 1 is
subscribed, 2 means its available in the current Virtual Machine Image List
s. Now we will select an image for local caching.
Images can be selected by either RFC 4122 UUID
or Sha512 hash. This allows
explicit selection of images or by the sha512 from an old image.
Delete the subscription by image.
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -D -u 327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2
Subscribe to an image.
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -a -u 327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2
Unsubscribe an image
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -r -u 327016b0-6508-41d2-bce0-c1724cb3d3e2
This application downloads images. By default it will download images, check
the sha512 hash of cached images and expire images from old Virtual Machine Image List
[user] $ vmcatcher_cache
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting DB connection to 'sqlite:///vmcatcher.db'
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting actions as 'expire', 'sha512' and 'download'.
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting cache-dir to 'cache'.
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting partial-dir to 'cache/partial'.
INFO:vmcatcher_subscribe.main:Defaulting expired-dir to 'cache/expired'.
INFO:DownloadDir:Downloading '858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e'.
INFO:CacheMan:moved file 858a817e-0ca2-473f-89d3-d5bdfc51968e
Since this application suite is intended to be embedded in a larger application and concerned with downloading and managing updates of VM images into a cloud infrastructure, it is some times beneficial to have an event interface so that applications may embed these applications in larger systems.
[user] $ vmcatcher_cache -x "/usr/bin/VmImageUpdateProcessor \$VMCATCHER_EVENT_TYPE"
The events interface launches a shell with a series of environment variables. The event must process its command within 10 seconds or else it will be sent a termination signal. See the following example:
[user] $ vmcatcher_cache -x 'env ; exit 1'
All Events have a type. This is given to the event handler by setting the
with the following values "AvailablePrefix",
"AvailablePostfix", "ExpirePrefix" and "ExpirePosfix".
"Available" events happen when a new image is validated, while "Expire" events occur when an image i no longer the validated image. The "Prefix" events occur before the file changes state, and the "Posfix" events occur after the state change.
The following environment variables may be set by events:
These correspond to the variables within the Virtual Machine Image List
- ProcessPrefix
Vmcatcher has started updating its cache.
- AvailablePrefix
An image will be available soon as it is being attempted to be retrieved.
- AvailablePostfix
An image was successfully validated as being available and placed in the cache directory.
- ExpirePrefix
This image is will no longer be available in the cache directory.
- ExpirePosfix
This image is no longer in the cache directory.
- ProcessPostfix
Vmcatcher has finished updating its cache.
- SubscriptionImageNew
A new image exists in a subscribed imagelist.
The description text in the image.
Unique identifier of the image. Its suggested that image producers use RFC
4122 RFC 4122 UUID
for Virtual Machine Image List
this allows updating the
list, and uniqueness.
Image Title.
Typically set to reflect the Virtualization technology values such as "xen", "kvm".
The Image Size
The Original URI for the image
The version number of the image
The images architecture.
The Images sha512 checksum.
Comments added by the image author
The Operating System the VM image contains
The Operating System version
The Image file name.
The image list the image comes from.
The format of the image. This is only available if the image list contains the format metadata.
This provides the market place URI for imagelists that include the field "ad:mpuri". Not all imagelist provide this optional field so this environment variable will only be provided when it is available.
Imagelists containing providing the attribute 'ad:vo' will now trigger give handlers the environment variable 'VMCATCHER_EVENT_VO' with the value of this field. This is useful to allow handlers to separate roles in clouds with a single database of subscribed Imagelists.
Then the by hand configuration for your master DB
[root] # useradd vmcatcher
[root] # mkdir -p /var/lib/vmcatcher /var/cache/vmimages/endorsed \
/var/cache/vmimages/partial /var/cache/vmimages/expired
[root] # touch /var/log/vmcatcher.log
[root] # chown vmcatcher:vmcatcher /var/lib/vmcatcher /var/cache/vmimages/endorsed \
/var/cache/vmimages/partial /var/cache/vmimages/expired \
[root] # sudo -u vmcatcher /usr/bin/vmcatcher_subscribe \
-s \
-d sqlite:////var/lib/vmcatcher/vmcatcher.db
make a cron job
[root] # cat /etc/cron.d/vmcatcher
export VMCATCHER_RDBMS="sqlite:////var/lib/vmcatcher/vmcatcher.db"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_DIR_CACHE="/var/cache/vmimages/endorsed/"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_DIR_DOWNLOAD="/var/cache/vmimages/partial/"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_DIR_EXPIRE="/var/cache/vmimages/expired/"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_EVENT="python /usr/share/doc/vmcatcher-0.1.29/vmcatcher_eventHndlExpl --output_file=/tmp/foo --datetime"
50 */6 * * * vmcatcher (/usr/bin/vmcatcher_subscribe -U; /usr/bin/vmcatcher_cache ) >> /var/log/vmcatcher.log 2>&1
So the script is executed every 6 hours shortly after fetch CRL.
If a new Virtual Machine Image
is downloaded, or an old Virtual Machine Image
is expired the event will trigger VMCATCHER_CACHE_EVENT
and the
application vmcatcher_eventHndlExplscript
will append the data to /tmp/foo
Now at any time users with file permissions can get a list of valid images.
[user] $ VMCATCHER_RDBMS="sqlite:////var/lib/vmcatcher/vmcatcher.db" vmcatcher_image -l
produces "events" in the form of launching an application
when a new image is downloaded or expired, this application is then launched
with environment variables that include the image ID,date, etc etc. Since all
the information about current images is available from other vmcatcher
commands you don't need to handle events but it does make it simpler for some
So with a cron job like:
[root] # cat /etc/cron.d/vmcatcher
export VMCATCHER_RDBMS="sqlite:////var/lib/vmcatcher/vmcatcher.db"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_DIR_CACHE="/var/cache/vmimages/endorsed/"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_DIR_DOWNLOAD="/var/cache/vmimages/partial/"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_DIR_EXPIRE="/var/cache/vmimages/expired/"
export VMCATCHER_CACHE_EVENT="python /usr/share/doc/vmcatcher-0.1.29/vmcatcher_eventHndlExpl --output_file=/tmp/foo --datetime"
50 */6 * * * vmcatcher (/usr/bin/vmcatcher_subscribe -U; /usr/bin/vmcatcher_cache ) >> /var/log/vmcatcher.log 2>&1
environment variable specifies the even handler.
It is expected that vmcatcher_eventHndlExplscript
will be replaced by sites
wanting to load images into image catalogues of popular clouds.
"vmcatcher_eventHndlExplscript" is an example "event" handler, which takes a
path parameter. It reads the environment variables generates a simple JSON
output line, and appends it to the file described in the path parameter.
It is recommended the replacement vmcatcher_eventHndlExplscript
copies the
directory to the cloud, as
assumes it can delete and update its local cache. A second
recommendation for site replacement is that vmcatcher_eventHndlExplscript
should do very little and end quickly as then vmcatcher_cache
can process
the next download without blocking. Since events are not resent so error
handling is more complex, it may be wise to use a message queue, or storing
the event and processing after, rather than just using a simple fork.
Backup your old database:
#mv vmcatcher.db vmcatcher.db.old
#sqlite3 vmcatcher.db.old .dump > dump
regenerate your data base
# vmcatcher_subscribe -l
Restore your database content
# sqlite3 vmcatcher.db < dump
You will get some errors that tables already exist dont worry about these.
Backup your old database:
#mv vmcatcher.db vmcatcher.db.old
#sqlite3 vmcatcher.db.old .dump > dump
edit the dump file with each line starting
INSERT INTO "subscription" VALUES
Add One extra column with the value, 0
for example:
INSERT INTO "subscription" VALUES(2,'87576537-59cd-47e0-9777-e061e178435f','This is a demo Virtual Appliance Version','',1,5,'2014-05-29 19:59:05.305093',0,NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO "subscription" VALUES(2,'87576537-59cd-47e0-9777-e061e178435f','This is a demo Virtual Appliance Version','',1,5,'2014-05-29 19:59:05.305093',0,NULL,NULL,0);
regenerate your data base
# vmcatcher_subscribe -l
Restore your database content
# sqlite3 vmcatcher.db < dump
You will get some errors that tables already exist dont worry about these.
Backup your old database:
#mv vmcatcher.db vmcatcher.db.old
#sqlite3 vmcatcher.db.old .dump > dump
edit thew dump file with each line starting
INSERT INTO "subscription" VALUES
Add four extra columns with the values, 0,'','',0
for example:
INSERT INTO "subscription" VALUES(1,'e55c1afe-0a62-4d31-a8d7-fb8c825f92a2','Endorsed list of CernVM Images','',1,1,'2014-01-25 22:20:29.859405');
INSERT INTO "subscription" VALUES(1,'e55c1afe-0a62-4d31-a8d7-fb8c825f92a2','Endorsed list of CernVM Images','',1,1,'2014-01-25 22:20:29.859405',0,'','',0);
regenerate your data base
# vmcatcher_subscribe -l
Restore your database content
# sqlite3 vmcatcher.db < dump
You will get some errors that tables already exist dont worry about these.
First back up your data base
$ cp vmcatcher.db vmcatcher.db.bak
Now dump the data base content
$ sqlite3 vmcatcher.db .dump > dump
Remove old data base.
$ rm vmcatcher.db
Now regenerate the data base.
$ vmcatcher_image -l
Then after checking the data base is restored, add the content.
$ sqlite3 vmcatcher.db < dump
All scripts have a logging option. This is used to configure pythons logging library. An example is shown below.
[user] $ vmcatcher_image -L /usr/share/doc/vmcatcher/logger.conf -l
Logging can be independently set up for each object to multiple locations, and with different log levels.
Checkout the source code from git hub.
$ python nosetests
- PGP signatures.
- Support encrypted messages.