In this repository, Selenium WebDriver & Appium are used to automate the NopCart Ecommerce App. Here, I have covered folowing tasks:
- Customer add Products in his shopping cart.
- Customer successfully place order as a guest user.
- Selenium Webdriver
- Appium
- Android Studio
- Appium Inspector
- TestNG Framework
- Java
- Intellij idea
- Gradle
- Allure
- jdk
- gradle
- appium
- Clone this project
- Give this following command for checking the connectivity with emulator :
adb devices
- Open Appium Server with this following command:
- Open Appium Inspector
- Set desired capabilites in json format & click Start Session:
"platformName": "Android",
"platformVersion": "11",
"appPackage": "com.nopstation.nopcommerce.nopstationcart",
"appActivity": "",
"app": "e:\\apk\\ecom.apk",
"automationName": "UiAutomator2"
apk location in user pc &"platformVersion"
user emulator android version.
- Open
file as a project with Intellij IDEA - Open
- Give this following command:
gradle clean test
- For generating Allure Report use these commands:
allure generate allure-results --clean -output
&allure serve allure-results