This piece of firmware has been designed especially to work with the D.A.L.O.R app for Homey (by Athom).
The D.A.L.O.R app project was created to enable anyone, with a Homey, to easily build any DIY LED device, without the need of any coding skills or embedded controller knowledge.
Of course it is not limited to that. As the name suggests, it controls LEDs utilizing a simple RESTful state api.
v3.1.3 (Stable)
- neopixel library by Adafruit ported for Particle
- webduino library ported for Particle
Do not mind my rusty C++ coding skills. The firmware has been tested extensively and runs stable. If you want to contribute, feel free to post me suggestions.
The NPOR firmware is designed for the controller family of only.
- Photon (Verified Working)
- P1
- Electron
- Argon (Verified Working)
- Boron
- Xenon
- RedBear Duo
- TM1803
- SK6812RGBW
- TM1829
- WS2812
- WS2812B
- WS2813
- WS2812B2
- WS2811
- WS2812B_FAST
- WS2812B2_FAST
- A free account
- One of the supported controllers
- At least one led or led strip of one of the supported led types
- A signal lifter, a resistor and a capacitor: See the linked hardware guides for details on this
Please see the following links for details about what you need to get your hardware set up.
Logic lifter wiring for the neopixel data line:
The data line needs to be connected to pin A4 of your controller.
Adafruit Neopixel Ueberguide for everything you need to know:
- Sign up for a free account if you have not done that, yet.
- Claim your controller (you can do this with your mobile). Info about how to do this should be included in the package with the controller.
- Go to for the latest release of the firmware app.
- Hit "Flash" to install the firmware onto your controller via OTA update. If you have more than one controller, make sure to select the desired target in the "Devices" menu first.
- Head over to and login to the Web IDE.
- Create a new Particle App.
- Go to the libraries menu and add the following "Libraries" to your app: neopixel, WebServer, MDNS
- Finally replace your application's code with the npor_firmware.ino code.
- Hit "Flash" to install the firmware onto your controller via OTA update. If you have more than one controller, make sure to select the desired target in the "Devices" menu first.
- Install the D.A.L.O.R app from Athom's app store.
- Pair your device with Homey, either as light or as other, if you want to use it as a LED dashboard or similiar.
Enjoy your plug'n'play DIY LED toy! :D