Library for customers to integrate the ShareRing Link feature on their website.
<div class="sharering-query" queryId="641275f07cd216005d5481cc" mode="dynamic" qrcodeOwner="shareledger1fja6aazgvw6zfrh59xjc6w0jdpfhdkharz72lr" app="ShareRing Me" oninit="onInit" onscan="onScan">
<div class="qrcode-content">
<div id="qrcode"></div>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
function onScan(data){
//do something with the result
function onInit(data){
console.log('onInit', data);
QueryID = ID of the query from the ShareRing Link dashboard
QRCode owner = ShareLedger account linked to the ShareRing Link creator