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A Select control built with and for React. Initially built for use in KeystoneJS.

New version 1.0.0-beta

I've nearly completed a major rewrite of this component (see issue #568 for details and progress). The new code has been merged into master, and [email protected] has been published to npm and bower.

1.0.0 has some breaking changes. The documentation below still needs to be updated for the new API; notes on the changes can be found in and will be finalised into soon.

Our tests need some major updates to work with the new API (see #571) and are causing the build to fail, but the component is stable and robust in actual usage.

Testing, feedback and PRs for the new version are appreciated.

Demo & Examples

Live demo:

The live demo is still running v0.9.1.

To build the new 1.0.0 examples locally, clone this repo then run:

npm install
npm start

Then open localhost:8000 in a browser.


The easiest way to use React-Select is to install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process (using Browserify, etc).

npm install react-select --save

You can also use the standalone build by including dist/select.js and dist/default.css in your page. If you use this, make sure you have already included the following dependencies:


React-Select generates a hidden text field containing the selected value, so you can submit it as part of a standard form. You can also listen for changes with the onChange event property.

Options should be provided as an Array of Objects, each with a value and label property for rendering and searching. You can use a disabled property to indicate whether the option is disabled or not.

The value property of each option should be set to either a string or a number.

When the value is changed, onChange(newValue, [selectedOptions]) will fire.

var Select = require('react-select');

var options = [
	{ value: 'one', label: 'One' },
	{ value: 'two', label: 'Two' }

function logChange(val) {
	console.log("Selected: " + val);


Multiselect options

You can enable multi-value selection by setting multi={true}. In this mode:

  • Selected options will be removed from the dropdown menu
  • The values of the selected items are joined using the delimiter property to create the input value
  • A simple value, if provided, will be split using the delimiter property
  • The onChange event provides an array of the selected options as the second argument
  • The first argument to onChange is always a string, regardless of whether the values of the selected options are numbers or strings
  • By default, only options in the options array can be selected. Setting allowCreate to true allows new options to be created if they do not already exist.
  • By default, selected options can be cleared. To disable the possibility of clearing a particular option, add clearableValue: false to that option:
var options = [
	{ value: 'one', label: 'One' },
	{ value: 'two', label: 'Two', clearableValue: false }

Note: the clearable prop of the Select component should also be set to false to prevent allowing clearing all fields at once

Async options

If you want to load options asynchronously, instead of providing an options Array, provide a asyncOptions Function.

The function takes two arguments String input, Function callbackand will be called when the input text is changed.

When your async process finishes getting the options, pass them to callback(err, data) in a Object { options: [] }.

The select control will intelligently cache options for input strings that have already been fetched. The cached result set will be filtered as more specific searches are input, so if your async process would only return a smaller set of results for a more specific query, also pass complete: true in the callback object. Caching can be disabled by setting cacheAsyncResults to false (Note that complete: true will then have no effect).

Unless you specify the property autoload={false} the control will automatically load the default set of options (i.e. for input: '') when it is mounted.

var Select = require('react-select');

var getOptions = function(input, callback) {
	setTimeout(function() {
		callback(null, {
			options: [
				{ value: 'one', label: 'One' },
				{ value: 'two', label: 'Two' }
			// CAREFUL! Only set this to true when there are no more options,
			// or more specific queries will not be sent to the server.
			complete: true
	}, 500);


Async options with Promises

asyncOptions now supports Promises, which can be used in very much the same way as callbacks.

Everything that applies to asyncOptions with callbacks still applies to the Promises approach (e.g. caching, autoload, ...)

An example using the fetch API and ES6 syntax, with an API that returns an object like:

import Select from 'react-select';

 * assuming the API returns something like this:
 *   const json = [
 * 	   { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
 * 	   { value: 'two', label: 'Two' }
 *   ]

const getOptions = (input) => {
  return fetch(`/users/${input}.json`)
    .then((response) => {
      return response.json();
    }).then((json) => {
      return { options: json };


Async options loaded externally

If you want to load options asynchronously externally from the Select component, you can have the Select component show a loading spinner by passing in the isLoading prop set to true.

var Select = require('react-select');

var isLoadingExternally = true;


Filtering options

You can control how options are filtered with the following properties:

  • matchPos: "start" or "any": whether to match the text entered at the start or any position in the option value
  • matchProp: "label", "value" or "any": whether to match the value, label or both values of each option when filtering
  • ignoreCase: Boolean: whether to ignore case or match the text exactly when filtering

matchProp and matchPos both default to "any". ignoreCase defaults to true.

Advanced filters

You can also completely replace the method used to filter either a single option, or the entire options array (allowing custom sort mechanisms, etc.)

  • filterOption: function(Object option, String filter) returns Boolean. Will override matchPos, matchProp and ignoreCase options.
  • filterOptions: function(Array options, String filter, Array currentValues) returns Array filteredOptions. Will override filterOption, matchPos, matchProp and ignoreCase options.

For multi-select inputs, when providing a custom filterOptions method, remember to exclude current values from the returned array of options.

Further options

Property	|	Type		|	Default		|	Description

:-----------------------|:--------------|:--------------|:-------------------------------- addLabelText | string | 'Add "{label}"?' | text to display when allowCreate is true allowCreate | bool | false | allow new options to be created in multi mode (displays an "Add <option> ?" item when a value not already in the options array is entered) asyncOptions | func | undefined | function to call to get options autoload | bool | true | whether to auto-load the default async options set backspaceRemoves | bool | true | whether pressing backspace removes the last item when there is no input value cacheAsyncResults | bool | true | enables the options cache for asyncOptions (default: true) className | string | undefined | className for the outer element clearable | bool | true | should it be possible to reset value clearAllText | string | 'Clear all' | title for the "clear" control when multi is true clearValueText | string | 'Clear value' | title for the "clear" control delimiter | string | ',' | delimiter to use to join multiple values disabled | bool | false | whether the Select is disabled or not filterOption | func | undefined | method to filter a single option: function(option, filterString) filterOptions | func | undefined | method to filter the options array: function([options], filterString, [values]) ignoreCase | bool | true | whether to perform case-insensitive filtering inputProps | object | {} | custom attributes for the Input (in the Select-control) e.g: {'data-foo': 'bar'} isLoading | bool | false | whether the Select is loading externally or not (such as options being loaded) labelKey | string | 'label' | the option property to use for the label matchPos | string | 'any' | (any, start) match the start or entire string when filtering matchProp | string | 'any' | (any, label, value) which option property to filter on scrollMenuIntoView | bool | true | whether the viewport will shift to display the entire menu when engaged menuBuffer | number | 0 | buffer of px between the base of the dropdown and the viewport to shift if menu doesnt fit in viewport multi | bool | undefined | multi-value input name | string | undefined | field name, for hidden <input /> tag newOptionCreator | func | undefined | factory to create new options when allowCreate is true noResultsText | string | 'No results found' | placeholder displayed when there are no matching search results onBlur | func | undefined | onBlur handler: function(event) {} onChange | func | undefined | onChange handler: function(newValue) {} onFocus | func | undefined | onFocus handler: function(event) {} onInputChange | func | undefined | onInputChange handler: function(inputValue) {} onOptionLabelClick | func | undefined | onClick handler for value labels: function (value, event) {} optionRenderer | func | undefined | function which returns a custom way to render the options in the menu options | array | undefined | array of options placeholder | string | 'Select ...' | field placeholder, displayed when there's no value searchable | bool | true | whether to enable searching feature or not searchingText | string | 'Searching...' | message to display whilst options are loading via asyncOptions, or when isLoading is true searchPromptText | string | 'Type to search' | label to prompt for search input value | any | undefined | initial field value valueKey | string | 'value' | the option property to use for the value valueRenderer | func | undefined | function which returns a custom way to render the value selected


Right now there's simply a focus() method that gives the control focus. All other methods on <Select> elements should be considered private and prone to change.

// focuses the input element


See our for information on how to contribute.

Thanks to the projects this was inspired by: Selectize (in terms of behaviour and user experience), React-Autocomplete (as a quality React Combobox implementation), as well as other select controls including Chosen and Select2.


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) Jed Watson 2015.


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  • JavaScript 82.6%
  • CSS 17.4%