A tool to easily create facial expressions for your pixel-based visor.
You can see and try the current state of the tool in your browser here:
The Serial and Bluetooth connections are proof-of-concept level only, an example responder for ESP32 WROOM DevKit is found at /arduino.
Every aspect of this project is subject to change - this is just a rough map of what is currently planned:
- Basic rendering and editing of monocromic LED matrices
- Basic Serial Port connection to Demo Hardware from client (browser)
- Basic Bluetooth connection to Demo Hardware from client (browser)
- Basic Mirror-Mode (currently just for a fixed demo)
- Export facial expression to C-Header-File
- Migrate state to Vuex/Pinia
- Export and re-import state via C-Header-File as Comment
- Add UI features to manage multiple faces in one project
- ... (more TBD)
There is a preliminary working example on what hardware has currently been used to develop this app. It is only a proof-of-concept but there are some useful snippets already.
This documentation is in the /arduino folder.
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn test:unit
yarn lint