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Livetasks is a collaborative realtime TODOs manager, forked from this project.
Enjoy the Demo ! (not deployed yet)

Table of Contents

Architecture and Technologies

MVVM architecture forked from this project.

This project is organised with microservices in mind, into 3 sub-projects:

  • one for the client-side static server
  • one for the server-side dynamic server
  • one for the postgresql datatable*

* for now, datatable structure is integrated inside the api project.
TODO: extract db-related commands, settings and queries into its own repository.

This project has been developped on Windows10 with Webstorm2017, and tested with Chrome58, Firefox53 and Edge15. Minimum compatiblity includes IE10 and above.

Interesting arguments against Websockets: Why not a Websockets only website ?


  1. Make sure node7+ and PostgreSQL are installed:
node -v && psql -V

Both commands should yield a finite version number.
(resp. v8+ and v9.6+ in my case)
Note: for your convenience, make sure the symbolic link 'psql' is in your PATH.

  1. Install globally pm2:
npm i -g pm2
  1. Clone the project locally:
git clone https://[email protected]/ideolys/livetask-raphael-morineau.git livetasks
cd livetasks
  1. Install API server
    Open a new CLI in /server folder
    Firstly, you may want to configure names, ports and password @ server/src/config/settings.js
    /!\ If you change the API main port (3210), make sure to reflect your new port in client @ client/src/public/js/App.js: 'this.API_PORT'
    then run:
npm i

4-bis. If the command above fails, verify dependencies have been correctly installed
then, in 'server' CLI, create PostgreSQL database 'livetasks':

npm run migrate

you can test if your data have been correctly injected into 'tasks' table:

npm run testdb

/!\ Important: make sure nothing is using current livetasks DB (especially your IDE),
or else Postgres might hang without warning ...
to remove database /!\ WARNING: ALL DATA IN livetasks DB WILL BE DELETED:

npm run removedb
  1. Install client server
    Open a new CLI in /client folder, then run:
npm i
  1. Enjoy !
npm start
npm run openBrowser

You should end up with 3 CLIs:

  • a webapp running @ port 3000 ('client' CLI)
  • a websockets-based api server running @ port 3210 ('server' CLI)
  • a database livetasks running @ port 5432 (main CLI)
  • your default browser running @ http://localhost:3000


Basic CRUD operations :

  • Add a new task: click on the big + button in upper-right corner of the task list.
  • Remove a task: click on the X button (right side of each task).
    Note: the task won't be permanently deleted, but 'suspended', so an administrator can retrieve/restore it.
  • Update a task status by clicking on it. This will toggle the task's status and increment/decrement the counter.
    The task's content can also be edited by clicking on the edit button (pen icon next to X icon).
    To validate an edited value, you can use 'Enter' or click away from the input; 'Escape' will cancel.

Addition/Deletion of a task will be notified with a counter in upper-right corner. Hovering this counter will tell current % of completion.

In tchat component, while typing a new message, the following shortcuts are available:

  • Enter to send (same effect a clicking on the Send button)
  • Escape (or click away) to cancel
  • SHIFT + Enter to insert a line break in your message
Server-side testing:
npm test

... then you can read the coverage report with:

npm run coverage


If you want to play in development mode, first stop the server and client processes with:

pm2 ls
pm2 stop all
pm2 delete all
pm2 kill

Next, run npm start on each server and client CLIs:
this will run both servers with nodemon in automatic watch mode. // TODO: use Webpack

Known issues

Not working features
  • socket is not broadcasting to a given 'group' but still to all groups.
CSS compatibity issues
  • group-container presents some mysterious virtual padding-bottom preventing tasks-container and tchat-container.
    Note: if change tasks-container's rule max-height: calc(100% - 70px); to max-height: 100%; (or remove it), tchat messages and tasks will overflow past the app's footer in Firefox and Edge.
  • scrollbar not stylable in non-webkit browsers (Firefox, Edge)