- Two different Microcontrollers
- Battery-operated
- Robot Construction/Assembly
- C programming
- MOSFET drivers
- Controller Mode
- Follower Mode
- Integration
- Distance - 50 cm
- Project Report
- Video Presentation
Go home (5 points)
- Save movements in array and reverse movements
Python (Mapping)
LCD display (1 or 2 points)
Autopilot (predefined movements) (5 points)
Speed Boost (3 points)
- This can be implemented using pulse-width modulation (PWM) for the motor control. - You can either have preset speed levels or implement a slider on the transmitter to adjust the speed in real-time.
Ultrasonic Sensor Auto-stop/Auto-brake (IN PROGRESS)
- EFM8 or Arduino
Extra movements
HONK! Buzzer
HC04 Bluetooth
"Natural boundaries"