Deserialize URLs into instances of your types.
The URLDecoder package provides a Swift Decoder
implementation capable of deserializing a well-formed URL
into a native Swift type. This is a convenient alternative to hand-crafting the same decoding routine using an instance of URLComponents
directly, such as during the handling a deep link within your app.
Consider the following GroceryProduct
Swift structure, that conforms to the Decodable
struct GroceryProduct: Decodable {
var identifier: Int
var name: String
var points: Int
With no further code changes, the following URLs that provide key-value semantics will be decoded into the structure:
Alternativley, there may be situations where your existing systems do not provide key-value semantics in its URLs. For example, the following URL:
Represents the same data as above, but has dropped the keys necessary to decode the structure. By customising the init(decoder:)
function of the GroceryProduct
to use an unkeyed container, the URL can continue to be decoded:
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
init(decoder: Decoder) {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
let type = try container.decode(String.self)
guard type == "product" else { throw CustomDecodingError() }
identifier = try container.decode(Int.self)
name = try container.decode(String.self)
points = try container.decode(Int.self)
Note that this couples the decoding implementation to the order of values in the URL, so be mindful when dipping into unkeyed territory.
Further decoding examples are available within the Tests
This package is a work in progress, with certain decoding pathways remaining unimplemented (as they are not exercised in apps using this package!). Feel free to submit PRs to fill them in if you find this package useful.