Releases: Shinyhunter2109/Ledybot
Releases · Shinyhunter2109/Ledybot
Finally a stable Version !
- fixed a GTS Issues on Gen 6 that prevent Pokemon from being traded correctly
- fixed a Luma CFW error that accours randomly by injecting Pokemon from specified Folder [old 3DS Issue]
- decreased some Trade values to get a Faster Trade
- Full Pokedex Compatibility
- Twitch Support ! [Status: 5% Complete]
- Different Versions of Pokemon to Giveaway [Vivillon, Shiny or Non-Shiny, etc...] [Status: 40% Complete]
- Maybe Pokebuilder Update... [Not sure but maybe in the Future...]
- Trade Queue Support [Comming Soon...]
- Adding Priority System for Subs/Vips/Donators/Cheers [15% Complete]
- Adding Movesets to a Twitch Bot that viewers can check the Moves in Chat [5% Complete]
Future Plans:
- Priority System for Subs/Vips on Twitch
- Live Trade Animation on Screen
Some Bugfixes and GTS Gen 6 Version
- Fixed a Bug at the Trade Section that prevent Pokemon from being traded correctly and in this case quitting from GTS in Gen 6.
- Increased some Trade Values
- Trades are working but they are Slow, this Issue will be fixed in the next Update!
- Now Both Gender works in Gen 6 correctly
- Adding Twitch Support [Comming Soon...]
- Full Dex Compatibility [Status: 100% Complete]
- Trade Command for Twitch for both [Comming Soon...]
- Adding Complete Dex [Status: 100% Complete]