Using Git via cmd
If you don't have git already installed in your system, get the instructions from here on how to install git?
Once Git is installed, make an empty folder in your pc, lets say named "dbms".
Open your command line and cd into the directory where you have created dbms.
For example:
cd C:\Users\HP\Documents\dbms
Now to initialize "dbms" as an empty git repository use the following command
git init
Now to clone the repository use the command:
git clone https://github.com/ShivangiRai1310/dbms.git
Using GitHub to download a zip
- You can download a zip from the GitHub url.
The PC should have the follwing softwares already installed
Nodejs (preferable version 12.6.2 or higher)
MySql workbench (preferable version 8.0.2 or higher)
Chrome or any other updated browser.
Import and connect the database to the project.
"cd" into your project directory and run the command
node index.js
The following things should be displayed after the command
- listening to port 5000
- connected to the database 'dbms'
Open chrome or any other browser and go to the localhost server 5000
The web-application can be accessed from here.