This is a Qt-based Monte Carlo search based AI Gobang project
This project is based on Qt software development platform development based on Monte Carlo tree search of Gobang AI code, including gobang model data structure, GUI interface material, core AI algorithm and so on. This project is suitable for c++ language teaching, and the game theory course is used as an example program.
The main package and version of the c++ environment are as follows
# Name Version
c++ 2011
Qt 5.11
The above environment is successful when running the code of the project. In addition, it is well known that c++ has very good compatibility (version>=11). Thus, I suggest you try to use the existing c++ environment firstly.
Runninggit clone
The project structure and intention are as follows :
MCTS_GoBang # file directory
├── QT-GoBang # Project source code
├── application #The project runs on a PC without the Qt environment and relies on dynamic link library files
├── goBang
│ ├── MCTS_goBang.exe #You can use the windows application directly
├── LICENSE # License document
Part of the underlying code provided by tashaxing