Simple script to farm Dankmemer coins with multiple accounts at once.
Requires: Discord Tokens
| requests
I don't take responsibility if you get banned from a server or if your Tokens get locked
You can run this script with 15 accounts at once before getting rate limited.
All accounts need access to the channel ID you provide. Make sure all accounts are in the server and have send message permission
This script was build for Python 3.9
1. Create a folder.
2. Place the python file in the folder.
3. Place a text file (tokens.txt
) with discord Tokens in the folder.
Call the file "tokens.txt". If you change the name, the script won't find your Tokens.
4. Open the script and change the following variables.
-> Set this to the ID of the channel you want to farm in.
-> Set this to your user ID. The bots will send their money to this account.
All your Tokens need access to the channel, so make sure they are joined, and have send message permission.
5. Run the script with python3
6. Profit
Dm me on Discord or join my server
You can open an issue on Github as well
Do i need multiple accounts?
No, you can run this with as many accounts as you like. Note that Discord will rate limit you if you send too many API requests.
The file closes after i open it
You have to run the file via the command prompt / terminal. If you don't know how to do that, ask for help in my discord server
How do i download Python
You can download the latest version of Python3 here
After downloading, run the file, and make sure you click the checkbox add to path
as it will help you out later.
Can i get banned
Yes. You can always get banned. Blacklisted by dankmemer or banned by discord. It's very unlikely tho.
All the commands are saying they failed
Make sure your tokens are valid and that all accounts have permission to send messages in the channel you supplied. If you still get errors, ask or help in my discord server
How do i get channel id's and user id's
You can enable developer settings in Discord like this: settings -> advanced -> developer settings
then right-click a channel or user and click copy id
How do i get my Discord token
I can't explain this here, but google it