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COMP3053 - Group AIR

This is the code and documentations of Group AIR, COMP3053, Software Development Workshop III, BNU-HKBU United International College.

Message from the Course Team

Please absolute keep your work SECRET before the course ends!

Welcome to the COMP3053 - Software Development Workshop III course. This course aims to enable your experience on working on a software but not course project. Besides of coding, you will be asked to write a series of documents, including specifications, designs, and tests. Hopefully, you can make a better understanding on engineering methods and teamwork.

Contact us


Please read the manual file under the help directory to learn how to use the GitHub Desk.


Command line (option)

Clone this repository

git clone

Fetch new changes

# Pull = fetch + merge
git pull

Commit your changes

# Staging your changes
git add .
# Create a new commit
git commit -m [message]
# Push to remote
git push

References & Resources

Please refer to iSpace for more information.


  • You have your right of settling your code after this course ends.
  • All rights of this start code and documentations, as well as all course materials are reserved.