- Me (i dont plan on adding anyone else, but if i do i will put their name here)
- Shadow Mario - Coding
- RiverOaken - Arts and Animations
- bbpanzu - Assistant Coding
- shubs - New Input System
- SqirraRNG - Chart Editor's Sound Waveform base code
- iFlicky - Delay/Combo Menu Song Composer + Dialogue Sounds
- PolybiusProxy - .MP4 Loader Extension
- Keoiki - Note Splash Animations
- Smokey - Spritemap Texture Atlas support
- Cary - OG Resolution code
- Nebula_Zorua - VCR Shader code
Opponent Notesplashes
Pixel notesplashes
Little counter thingy to the left
Freeplay Bump
And thats it