SimpleDraw v0.5.0
Merged pull requests:
- update benchmarks (#147) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add fonts Terminus_24_12, TerminusBold_16_8, TerminusBold_24_12, TerminusBold_32_16 (#149) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add Image shape (#151) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- fix clipping for Bitmap and Image (#152) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add internal function _draw! (#153) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- sort points when drawing a Line to ensure consistency (#154) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- use single font type MonospaceBitmapASCIIFont (#155) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- invalidate empty bitmaps for Bitmap (#156) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add clip_array function and use it for clipping both Bitmap and Image (#157) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- update default optimization style to CHECK_BOUNDS (#158) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- change FilledTriangle drawing to make it more consistent (#159) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- use sort_points_horizontal_vertical for drawing Line (#160) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add shape Triangle (not filled) (#161) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- update screenshot for FilledTriangle (#162) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- update screenshot and note for Line (#163) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- export Bitmap as part of API (#164) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- export Image shape as part of API (#165) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- remove SHAPE_TYPES from file SimpleDraw.jl (#166) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- comment out assertions for is_valid(shape) in _draw! (#167) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- reorder shape lists in README, tests, and SimpleDraw.jl (#168) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add Triangle, Bitmap, Image to benchmark.jl and update it's Manifest.toml (#169) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- update README (#170) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- bump minor version (#171) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)