SimpleDraw v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- Non-ASCII characters shouldn't throw an error and crash (#127)
- Add functions like get_position and move/translate for a shape (#132)
- Rename field char to character in type Character (#134)
Merged pull requests:
- add benchmarks (#125) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add references and license information (#126) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- update drawing of non-ascii and non-printable characters (#128) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add helper script extract_bitmap.jl and types AbstractASCIIFont, Terminus_16_8 (#129) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add shape FilledTriangle (#130) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- fix some things in README (#131) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add type constraint I <: Integer to Bitmap, Character, & TextLine (#133) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add is_valid, get_i_min, get_i_max, get_j_min, get_j_max to API (#135) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- rename field char to character in Character (#136) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add get_height, get_width, get_position (#137) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add move_i, move_j, move function (#138) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- clarify API in README and export API names (#139) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add docstrings for API functions (#140) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add visualize to API (#141) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- export fonts and add docstrings for types (#142) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- remove unnecessary type constraints from function signatures (#143) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- organize font related code and rename field bitmap to bitmaps (#144) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- add visualization to docstring of draw! (#145) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)
- bump minor version (#146) (@Sid-Bhatia-0)