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What is it?

Faster Django Admin powered by Typesense

Quick Start Guide


pip install django-typesense

or install directly from github to test the most recent version

pip install git+

Add django_typesense to the list of installed apps.

Follow this guide to install and run typesense

Create Collections

Throughout this guide, we’ll refer to the following models, which comprise a song catalogue application:

from django.db import models

class Genre(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def __str__(self):

class Artist(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)

    def __str__(self):

class Song(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    genre = models.ForeignKey(Genre, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    release_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
    artists = models.ManyToManyField(Artist)
    number_of_comments = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    number_of_views = models.IntegerField(default=0)
    duration = models.DurationField()
    description = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title
    def release_date_timestamp(self):
        # read
        return self.release_date.timestamp() if self.release_date else self.release_date
    def artist_names(self):
        return list(self.artists.all().values_list('name', flat=True))

For such an application, you might be interested in improving the search and load times on the song records list view.

from django_typesense.collections import TypesenseCollection
from django_typesense import fields

class SongCollection(TypesenseCollection):
    # At least one of the indexed fields has to be provided as one of the `query_by_fields`. Must be a CharField
    query_by_fields = 'title,artist_names,genre_name'
    title = fields.TypesenseCharField()
    genre_name = fields.TypesenseCharField(value='')
    genre_id = fields.TypesenseSmallIntegerField()
    release_date = fields.TypesenseDateField(value='release_date_timestamp', optional=True)
    artist_names = fields.TypesenseArrayField(base_field=fields.TypesenseCharField(), value='artist_names')
    number_of_comments = fields.SmallIntegerField(index=False, optional=True)
    number_of_views = fields.SmallIntegerField(index=False, optional=True)
    duration = fields.DurationField()

It's okay to store fields that you don't intend to search but to display on the admin. Such fields should be marked as un-indexed e.g:

number_of_views = fields.SmallIntegerField(index=False, optional=True)

Update the song model as follows:

from django_typesense.mixins import TypesenseModelMixin

class Song(TypesenseModelMixin):
    collection_class = SongCollection

The TypesenseModelMixin provides a Manager that overrides the update and delete methods of the Queryset. If your model has a custom manager, make sure the custom manager inherits django_typesense.mixin.TypesenseManager

How the value of a field is retrieved from a model instance:

  1. The collection field name is called as a property of the model instance
  2. If value is provided, it will be called as a property or method of the model instance

Where the collections live is totally dependent on you but we recommend having a file in the django app where the model you are creating a collection for is.


We recommend displaying data from ForeignKey or OneToOne fields as string attributes using the display decorator to avoid triggering database queries that will negatively affect performance Issue #16.

Instead of this in the admin:

def genre_name(self, obj):

Do this:

def genre_name(self, obj):
    # genre_name is field in the Collection. You can also store the object url as html
    return obj.genre_name

Update Collection Schema

To add or remove fields to a collection's schema in place, update your collection then run: python updatecollections. Consider adding this to your CI/CD pipeline.

This also updates the synonyms

How updates are made to Typesense

  1. Signals - django-typesense listens to signal events (post_save, pre_delete, m2m_changed) to update typesense records. If update_fields were provided in the save method, only these fields will be updated in typesense.

  2. Update query - django-typesense overrides Django's QuerySet.update to make updates to typesense on the specified fields

  3. Manual - You can also update typesense records manually e.g after doing a bulk_create

objs = Song.objects.bulk_create(
      Song(title="Watch What I Do"),
      Song(title="Midnight City"),
collection = SongCollection(objs, many=True)

Admin Integration

To make a model admin display and search from the model's Typesense collection, the admin class should inherit TypesenseSearchAdminMixin. This also adds Live Search to your admin changelist view.

from django_typesense.admin import TypesenseSearchAdminMixin

class SongAdmin(TypesenseSearchAdminMixin):
    list_display = ['title', 'genre_name', 'release_date', 'number_of_views', 'duration']
    def genre_name(self, obj):


For the initial setup, you will need to index in bulk. Bulk updating is multi-threaded. Depending on your system specs, you should set the batch_size keyword argument.

from django_typesense.utils import bulk_delete_typsense_records, bulk_update_typsense_records

model_qs = Song.objects.all().order_by('id')  # querysets should be ordered
bulk_update_typesense_records(model_qs, batch_size=1024)

Custom Admin Filters

To make use of custom admin filters, define a filter_by property in the filter definition. Define boolean typesense field has_views that gets it's value from a model property. This is example is not necessarily practical but for demo purposes.

class Song(models.Model):
    def has_views(self):
        return self.number_of_views > 0

class SongCollection(TypesenseCollection):
    has_views = fields.TypesenseBooleanField()
class HasViewsFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
    title = _('Has Views')
    parameter_name = 'has_views'

    def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
        return (
            ('all', 'All'),
            ('True', 'Yes'),
            ('False', 'No')

    def queryset(self, request, queryset):
        # This is used by the default django admin
        if self.value() == 'True':
            return queryset.filter(number_of_views__gt=0)
        elif self.value() == 'False':
            return queryset.filter(number_of_views=0)
        return queryset

    def filter_by(self):
        # This is used by typesense
        if self.value() == 'True':
            return {"has_views": "=true"}
        elif self.value() == 'False':
            return {"has_views": "!=false"}

        return {}

Note that simple lookups like the one above are done by default (hence no need to define filter_by) if the parameter_name is a field in the collection


The synonyms feature allows you to define search terms that should be considered equivalent. Synonyms should be defined with classes that inherit from Synonym

from django_typesense.collections import Synonym

# say you need users searching the genre hip-hop to get results if they use the search term rap

class HipHopSynonym(Synonym):
    name = 'hip-hop-synonyms'
    synonyms = ['hip-hop', 'rap']
# Update the collection to include the synonym
class SongCollection(TypesenseCollection):
    synonyms = [HipHopSynonym]

To update the collection with any changes made to synonyms run python updatecollections