RenderWare DFF+TXD converter to multiple standard 3D formats. During the conversion it will preserve UV coordinates, normals and multiple materials and texture images.
It can convert to:
- GLTF without .bin file;
- more coming...
Libraries used:
- LodePNG for png encoding/decoding;
- Edited RWTools for renderware DFF and TXD encoding/decoding;
- TinyGLTF for writing/reading a GLTF model.
- rwparser, an android library for parsing and converting Renderware dff and txd.
Pull tinygltf external: git submodule init && git submodule update
- Create a build folder and go in it:
mkdir build && cd build
- Run CMake:
cmake ..
- Run Make:
make install
- The output is inside the main folder bin/
I generally use Visual Studio 2019+ for CMake. Just open the main folder on VS and make it run, select Debug or Release config and compile or install. That's it!
- CMake 3.0.0+
- C++17
- GLTF bones conversion
- FBX conversion
- OBJ+MTL conversion