This repository is part of a Udemy Course called Elastic Masterclass. Check it out on Udemy:!
This course holds all config files that are relevant for the configuration of an Elastic 8 Cluster.
Klick on the headings to directly be forwarded to each topic
This section teaches you on how to get with Elastic in Docker. Quickly spin up your first cluster.
You will learn how to create a cluster manually on linux, in this example in ubuntu.
After setting up our first cluster, we can now start configuring it. This example provides you all config files for Docker.
All about getting data into your cluster. You will learn how to collect data with beats, such as logs or metrics.
APM Monitoring for your applications. Example monitoring a Java application
Instructions on how to upgrade your Elastic Cluster to a new version.
Connect a Grafana Instance to your Elastic
There are multiple ways to run this lab. Prerequisites are:
- Install Docker Desktop (If you are on Windows)
- Install Docker Desktop for MAC (If you are on MAC)
- Install Docker-CE (If you are on Linux)
- Install Virtual Box When these prerequisites are fulfilled, clone this repository by running
git clone
If you do not have git installed, download this repo and extract it on your computer