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Final project plan document

Course project group information

Start the documentation with identifying information:

Must have features

Most of the must have features have been implemented. And some advanced improvements will be taken in the near future.

Must Have Features Implementation Description Timetable
1.Use a virtual environment 1.Add virtualenv environment settings in this project.
2.Add Pillow in “Pipfile” and “requirement.txt” for supporting Django’s ImageField.
2.Get the Web development basics right 1.CSSs and HTMLs are validated.
2.Code refactoring and commenting are improved.
3.Test also with DEBUG=False in Django project’s 1.Deployment on Heroku is working with DEBUG=False. 21.11.2018
4.User App Functionality 1.Admin user model is implemented using Django’s Admin functionality.
2.Admin user has full CRUD permissions to manipulate all of the website data.
3.Normal user model is implemented based on Django’s User model.
4.Normal user can join the site, and existing users can delete their accounts.
5.Existing user can login and logout site.
6.Existing user can enter, modify and delete their mandatory information, including first name, last name, phone number, address. We use first name and last name as users’ real name. And they also can modify their additional information, including age, gender, date of birth, and photo.
5.Profile App Functionality 1.Each user has their own profile page, presenting their basic information, post list, friend list and discussion list.
2.The privacy settings include “just me”, “friends”, “public”. User can modify their privacy settings for different data: real name, email, phone, address, friend list.
3.User can edit and save all of their own data using their profile edit page.
6.Friendship App Functionality 1.Admin friendship model is implemented using Django's Admin functionality.
2.Admin user has full CRUD permissions to manipulate all of the website data.
3.Existing friendship model is implemented based on relationship between sender and recipient.
4.Existing users can see all users and view every user's basic profile.
5.Existing users can send friendship request to corresponding users from profile page. Besides, They can check their sent friendship request and delete it, they can check received friendship request from others and choose to accept or decline it.
6.Existing users can view their friendship list once friendship request is accepted, or they can view notification list which shows declined information.
7.Discussions App Functionality 1.Admin Discussion and ChatMessage models are implemented using Django's Admin functionality.
2.Admin user has full CRUD permissions to manipulate all of the website data.
3.Existing Discussion model is implemented to build a channel for communication between the creator and users.
4.Existing ChatMessage (Comments) model is implemented to convey information among discussion members. It involves the features, such as user, headline (presenting time) and message content.
5.Existing user can view his or her created/enrolled discussion list, and create new discussions with related topic (Only selected users can enroll these discussions). Besides enrolling the discussions, they also have the right to leave.
6.Existing user can send chat messages to others in the enrolled discussion. The presentation of messages would be updated every five seconds. In the situation, he or she would like to hide the message, both the message sender and the discussion creator could delete it.
8.Use GitLab’s Issue Board for handling tasks 1.Add project tags: design, development, feature, testing, bug, improvement, production.
2.Publish project tasks on the GitLab’s Issue Board.
3.Assign tasks to group members.
4.Monitor the progress of the project and each tasks.
9.GitLab commits 1.Important GitLab commits have small and precise commit messages. 28.11.2018
10.Be aware of your project’s progress 1.The must have features are almost implemented at this point.
2.Three one-star features have been implemented completely.
3.Three two-stars features have been implemented completely.
4.Some other features will been considered in the future.
11.Deploy your site to Heroku, and update the deployment often 1.Successfully deploying our site to Heroku with DEBUG=False.
2.Updating is done twice a week.

Planned +2 features

The features that our group has completed are listed below.

One star features

Features Status Timetable
1.Exceptional quality of the initial project plan document Completed 07.11.2018
2.Mid-project check-in shows faster than expected progress Completed 21.11.2018
3.Email validation on sign-up Completed 15.11.2018
4.Use separate Django apps for different parts of your project Completed 04.11.2018
5.Status messages on the users’ profile pages Partly implemented 28.11.2018

Two star features

Features Status Timetable
1.Reset forgotten password Completed 12.11.2018
2.Using Bootstrap for mobile friendliness Completed 28.11.2018
3.Use PostgreSQL as database Completed 03.11.2018

Pages and navigation

Page Navigation

Technological considerations

Django apps in your Django project

System Components

Needed Django models and their attributes


User: The original user model is about the normal users. And the site administrators is extended based on it. New users can join the site, and existing users can delete their accounts. Existing users can login and logout of the system. The users can enter, modify and delete a wide array of personal information about them in to the site. Users in the site administrator user group have full CRUD permissions on all resources on the site, they get full permissions to all of the data.

Profile: User’s profile has both public and private data. Private data is only shown to other logged in users that are friends of this user. The data on the profile page could be edited and saved. The profile mainly includes the status message, friend list, and discussion list. The privacy settings include “just me”, “friends”, “public”. User can modify their privacy settings for different data: real name, email, phone, address, friend list.

Friendship: Friendship model lists the friendship requests including the information of senders, recipients, the sending date, the accepting data and the request’s status. Friendship requests’ status remain open until accepted or declined.

Discussion: Existing Discussion model is implemented to build a channel for communication between the creator and users. Existing ChatMessage (Comments) model is implemented to convey information among discussion members. It involves the features, such as user, headline (presenting time) and message content.


URI Description
/ Default URI when user navigate the web site.
/admin URIs wrt Django's Admin panels.
/users/login/ URI for User Login.
/users/logout/ URI for User Logout.
/users/password_reset/ URI for User Password Reset.
/users/signup/ URI for User Sign Up View.
/users/signup/done URI for Sign Up Done View.
/users/signup/{uidb64}/{token}/ URI for Sign Up Confirm View.
/users/{user_id}/profile/ URI for User Profile View.
/users/{user_id}/settings/ URI for Privacy Settings View.
/users/{user_id}/delete/ URI for User Account Delete View.
/users/delete/done/ URI for User Account Delete Done View.
/profiles/ URI for User's own Profile Home View.
/profiles/{user_id}/home/ URI for Visiting User's Profile Home View.
/profiles/post/create/ URI for Post Create View.
/profiles/post/{user_id}/list/{page_no}/ URI for Post List View.
/discussions/{user_id}/home URI for Discussions List View.
/discussions/{discussion_id}/detail URI for Discussion Detail View.
/discussions/create/ URI for Discussion Create View.
/discussions/{discussion_id}/{user_id}/leave URI for User Leave Discussion View.
/friendships/{user_id}/home/ URI for User Friendship View.
/friendships/{user_id}/request/ URI for Friendship Request View.
/friendships/{user_id}/{recipient_id}/profile/ URI for Friendship Request Manipulation View.

Needed Django views and templates


View Parameters Rendered Template
profiles.MyHomeView - profiles/profile_home.html
users.CustomPasswordResetView - users/password_change_form.html
users.SignUpView - users/signup.html
users.SignUpDoneView - users/signup_done.html
users.SignUpConfirmView uidb64, token users/signup_confirm.html
users.UserProfileView user_id users/user_profile.html
users.PrivacySettingsView user_id users/user_privacy_settings.html
users.CustomUserDeleteView user_id users/user_confirm_delete.html
users.CustomUserDeleteDoneView - users/user_delete_done.html
users.VisitingHomeView user_id profiles/profile_home.html
profiles.PostCreateView - profiles/post/post_create_form.html
profiles.PostListView user_id, page_no profiles/post/post_list.html
discussions.home user_id discussions/discussion_home.html
discussions.detail discussion_id discussions/discussion_detail.html
discussions.CreateDiscussionView - discussions/discussion_create.html
discussions.leave discussion_id, user_id discussions/discussion_home.html
friendships.home user_id friendships/friendship_home.html
friendships.request user_id friendships/friendship_request.html
friendships.profile user_id, recipient_id friendships/friendship_profile.html


Template Description
users/templates/registration/login.html 1. Actions: login.
2. Forms: username and password input form.
users/templates/registration/password_change_done.html show information that users have changed their password successfully.
users/templates/registration/password_change_form.html 1. Actions: change password.
2. Forms: old and new password input form.
users/templates/registration/password_reset_complete.html 1. Actions: reset password.
2. Forms: username and email address input form.
users/templates/registration/password_reset_confirm.html show information that users can reset their password with further instructions.
users/templates/registration/password_reset_done.html show information that users have reset their password successfully.
users/templates/registration/password_reset_form.html 1. Actions: reset password.
2. Forms: new password input form.
users/templates/users/signup.html 1. Actions: sign up.
2. Forms: user sign up form.
users/templates/users/signup_confirm.html show further information for users to complete their signup.
users/templates/users/signup_done.html show information that users have activated their account.
users/templates/users/signup_email_template.html sign-up email validation form.
users/templates/users/user_base.html basic template page for Users App.
users/templates/users/user_confirm_delete.html 1. Actions: delete user account.
users/templates/users/user_delete_done.html show successful information that users have deleted their account.
users/templates/users/user_privacy_settings.html 1. Actions: change privacy settings.
2. Forms: privacy setting form.
users/templates/users/user_profile.html 1. Actions: modify user profile information.
2. Forms: profile information form.
profiles/templates/profiles/profile_base.html basic template page for Profiles App.
profiles/templates/profiles/profile_home.html show users profile information and post, friend, dicussion list.
profiles/templates/profiles/post/post_create_form.html post message form.
profiles/templates/profiles/post/post_list.html post message list.
friendships/templates/friendships/friendship_home.html show user list.
friendships/templates/friendships/friendship_request.html show friendship request list.
discussions/templates/discussions/discussion_home.html show users' discussion list.
discussions/templates/discussions/discussion_detail.html 1. Actions: show discussion detail, send and delete messages.
2. Forms: MessageForm.
discussions/templates/discussions/discussion_create.html discussion creation form.

Heroku deployment

Testing Account type password
TestUser normal user test4sns
TestUser1 normal user test4sns
TestUser2 normal user test4sns
TestUser3 normal user test4sns
TestUser5 normal user test4sns
TestUser6 normal user test4sns
AdminUser1 admin test4sns
AdminUser2 admin test4sns

Heroku deployment plan:

  • Huang Xie 281685
  • Twice a week


  1. Integration Testing: Final phase for integration testing is completed.
  2. Deployment Testing: Final phase for deployment testing is completed.

Project timetable and division of work

As each member in our group takes responsible for different apps in this project, so all of the features before-mentioned will be implemented by all of our three members corresponding to each app.

No. Task Name Features Developer Start End
1 Project Startup Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
2 Mandatory Features Analysis Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
3 +2 Features Analysis Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
4 Development Convention Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
- Using Virtual Environment Mandatory 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
- Web Development Validation Mandatory 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
- GitLab's Issue Board Mandatory 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
- GitLab Commits Mandatory 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
- Project Progress Mandatory 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
- Deployment on Heroku Mandatory 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
5 Deployment of Demo App on Heroku Huang Xie 2018/10/29 2018/10/29
6 System Design Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/10/29 2018/11/03
- Separated Django Apps Design +1 2018/10/29 2018/11/03
- Bootstrap for mobile +2 2018/10/29 2018/11/03
- Using PostgreSQL +2 2018/10/29 2018/11/03
7 System Implementation & Unit Testing 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- Users App Huang Xie 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Functional Implementation Mandatory 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Email Validation on Sign-Up +1 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Password Reset +2 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Testing using Django Test 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- Profiles App Huang Xie 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Functional Implementation Mandatory 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Testing using Django Test 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- Friendships App Yan Feng 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Functional Implementation Mandatory 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Testing using Django Test 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- Discussions App Yan Feng 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Functional Implementation Mandatory 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
- -- Testing using Django Test 2018/11/04 2018/11/28
8 Mid-Project Check-in +1 Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/11/21 2018/11/21
9 Integration Testing Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/11/29 2018/12/04
10 Deployment Testing Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/12/05 2018/12/08
11 Final Project Documents Huang Xie, Yan Feng, Liang Fang 2018/12/05 2018/12/08