This is a highly moddable, cross platform and open source RTS game (That only runs on AMD). The core idea is that every feature is built behind interfaces allowing a high level of abstraction between things such as Graphics and Rendering and the Game Engine itself.
- .Net Core
- Lua
- SignalR
- Love2d
- Install dotnet-sdk-3.0 via Microsoft's repository
- (Optional) Install Visual Studio Code
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Open the root folder in Visual Studio Code
- Build from terminal to get all prerequisites:
dotnet build ./Core/AMDOnlyRts.Core.csproj
- Install .NET Core SDK 3.0 from Microsoft's website
- (Optional) Install Visual Studio Code
- Clone this repository using
git clone
or your choice of git client.- If you would like to install git, an easy way to do so is via the Chocolatey package manager. With Chocolatey installed, simply run
choco install git
- If you would like to install git, an easy way to do so is via the Chocolatey package manager. With Chocolatey installed, simply run
- Open the root folder in Visual Studio Code
- Build from commandline to get all prerequisites:
dotnet build Core/AmdOnlyRts.Core.csproj
Join us on our Freenode IRC channel: #AMDOnlyRTS
Free art assets from user Hyptosis at Open Game Art