Francoise-node is a RSS feed reader IRC bot for Node.js. Initially created as a port of my Lua RSS feed reader IRC bot Francoise.
Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for full information.
First, edit config.json with your desired settings. Then launch the bot by
running server.js with your Node executable. You can specify a different config
file by using the --config command line argument. For example: node server.js --config config/myconfig
will use the file ./config/myconfig.json
for its
.os - Get information about the OS the bot is running on.
.stats - Get information about the running bot process.
.version - Get Node version information.
.listfeeds - Get a list of all the feeds in the config.
.feedinfo (feedname) - Get information on the specified feed.
Francoise-node depends on at least Node.js v0.6.0 as well as a few external modules which can be installed using npm.