The developed application is a full-featured library management application that allows users to add, edit books and track statistics about their library. The main functions and features of the application are:
Book management:
The application allows users to add new books to their library. It records important information such as book title and author.
Book editing:
Users have the ability to edit existing books and make updates. This allows them to make changes to book details without having to re-enter them.
Statistics and overviews:
The application generates statistical data and overviews of the books stored. Users can view information such as the total number of books, author statistics and more.
I have made this App to further pratice the MERN-Stack. I needed a total of 3 days to build it.
M - MongoDB is used to save the Data in a noSQL way
E - Express is used to build the API for managing data
R - The Frontend is build with React
N - NodeJs is used to run the Express API
Chart.js used to build the graphs in the Overview tab
- Node.js installed
- Accsess to a MongoDB Account and Database
$ git clone
Change directory to the server folder
$cd server
Install all Dependencies with "npm istall"
$ npm install
Change directory to the client folder
$cd ..\client
Again - Install all Dependencies with "npm install"
To run the App, you need to add a .env with your choosen Port and your accsess to your Testcluster on MongoDB, to the server folder.
Start the Dev-Server with "npm run dev" in both the server and client folder
$ npm run dev