SnapmakerController-IDEX is the firmware for Snapmaker IDEX Printers. It's based on the popular Marlin firmware with optimized FreeRTOS support.
SnapmakerController-IDEX builds on the codebase of Marlin, we also added some new features:
Vibration compensation with input shapper, support many types of shappers:
- ei, ei2, ei3;
- mzv, zv, zvd, zvdd, zvddd.
Smoothed look-ahead (refer to klipper).
Corner velocity settings (refer to klipper).
Snapmaker specific functions like calibrations for Z offset and XY offset.
Quickly switching toolhead.
HMI (Touch Screen) communication over SACP.
- To submit a bug or feature request, file an issue in github issues.
- To contribute some code, make sure you have read and followed our guidelines for contributing.
As of recommended in Marlin's development settings, we use Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO IDE to develop Snapmaker2-Controller.
Follow Setting up Visual Studio Code to install and setup VSCode.
Follow the guide to install PlatformIO extension in VSCode.
Clone SnapmakerController-IDEX repo using Git to your local folder.
> git clone git@
- Open downloaded repo in VSCode
- Use the Open Folder… command in the VSCode File menu
- Then choose top folder of SnapmakerController-IDEX in your location
- After opening the source code in VSCode, you will see these icons at the bottom status bar,it also indicates PlatformIO has been installed successfully.
- The printer will not load new firmware if the version string remains the same
- Please update Marlin/src/inc/Version.h to change the
or your changes will not be loaded when flashing the firmware.
- To compile the code, you have two ways:
- click the build icon in status bar
- click the terminal icon to open terminal, then type command pio run
NOTE: if you build the source for first time, PlatformIO will download the relative libraries and toochains. It may take a few minutes.
After PlatformIO finishing the build, you will get two images:
(PROJECT FOLDER)/.pioenvs/GD32F105/firmware.bin
: image to be programmed into main controller(PROJECT FOLDER)/.pioenvs/GD32F105/firmware.elf
: image used to debug the firmware (in online debug tools like Ozone)
To clean previous build, just click the clean icon, or type command pio run -t clean in the terminal.
After building, type below command in VSCode terminal
> pio run -t pack
Then you will get below firmwares in the folder (PROJECT FOLDER)/release
J1_MC_APP_{xxx such as V2.2.2}_{xxx such as 20201222}.bin
: minor image of controller, can be used to generate major imageJ1_{xxx: version such as V2.2.2}_{xxx: date such as 20201222}.bin
: major image which can be used to upgrade modules with USB stick
Finally, copy the major image to your USB stick and upgrade your machine follow the instructions in How to update Firmware section.
SnapmakerController-IDEX is released under terms of the GPL-3.0 License.
Terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file or at