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Panguil EcoPark and Resort Admin System

About this project

This is a web-based admin system for Panguil EcoPark and Resort which is made using Laravel + Vite and Bootstrap. The admin dashboard template used was from This system features:

  • Quick summaries of total tourists visited in the current year and previous year, registered tourists, reservations and assigned tourists.
  • The dashboard itself also shows the reminders
  • Complete list of registered tourists
  • Complete list of reservations
  • Complete list of tour guides
  • Live map tracking of users

This admin system was built and made specifically for Panguil EcoPark and Resort so that it will be easier for them to keep track of their data and manage each tourist and tour guides' informations.

Techs Used

Project Preview

dashboard live-map-tracking

Geofence editing


Building Project

Download dependencies:

composer install
npm install
npm install --dev

Copy .env.example to .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Run artisan command:

php artisan key:generate

Next, open .env file and find and replace these keys' values with your own pubnub account credentials and database credentials. Create an account at to get your own credentials if you don't have one.



Next, run migration to generate all the tables:

php artisan migrate

Next, run this command to create a default admin account for the system:

php artisan app:create-admin

The default admin email address and password is:

Email: [email protected]
Password: test123

Next, run this command twice (for some reason it doesn't take effect by running once) if you want to run the system in development mode:

php artisan app:run-as-dev

Hit Ctrl+C to stop and then execute it again. Then it will work, then just open http://localhost:8000 in your browser. By default, the system is hosted on port 8000.

To run the system in production mode, you just do the same thing but with this command:

php artisan app:run-as-prod

Note: When executing php artisan app:run-as-dev and php artisan app:run-as-prod while in production mode, you will be prompted in the console. When that happens, just type yes on each prompts and press Enter.

Generating PHP Docs

Just execute these commands:

# Generate php docs for laravel facades
php artisan ide-helper:generate

# Generate php docs for laravel models
# You will be prompted in the console, just type no.
php artisan ide-helper:models

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