3.0.0 (2020-08-22)
Bug Fixes
add missing ParamsType type export (a704350 )
bring back old package name (dd03f15 )
bump design-system (dfe5996 )
design system types (f96170c )
empty payload error happend in hapi plugin (f5775dd )
error when use AdminBro.bundle form an another package (2ada007 )
error when xxxProperties were empty in merge (1db1235 )
errors with mergin resource options (65be2a6 )
fix ts exports (4ad29f3 )
make components backward compatible (773341e )
move npmrc to the root (c295bd2 )
move RegisteredAdapters to globak scope (0325a2a )
populate record after editfixes #452 (0ce3e63 )
remove babel from rollup (335c6b6 )
remove design-system from typings (4fab567 )
use latest design system (7bbb2f3 )
Code Refactoring
⚡ rename package to @admin-bro/core (b988edb )
🔥 extract design-system to a separate package (3da18e6 )
admin-bro features (fcd13e4 ), closes #431
allow to setup theme base on the user (baa28f5 ), closes #511
get bundled design-system to the head (d20aa49 )
hooks can be passed as an array (7e23ce0 ), closes #426
improve performance of text inputs (82f6db4 )
remove name from property options (69b342a ), closes #448
remove not needed BaseResource#name (4848a2d )
name in propery options doesn't affect property anymore
now base resource does not have a name() property
all imports should be changes to @admin-bro/core
now users should use @admin-bro/design-system
You can’t perform that action at this time.